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Documenting Agricultural Indigenous Knowledge (AIK) CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project CoCIS/ CAES Makerere University Team Constant Okello-Obura Gabriel.

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Presentation on theme: "Documenting Agricultural Indigenous Knowledge (AIK) CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project CoCIS/ CAES Makerere University Team Constant Okello-Obura Gabriel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Documenting Agricultural Indigenous Knowledge (AIK) CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project CoCIS/ CAES Makerere University Team Constant Okello-Obura Gabriel Karubanga Maxwell Omwenga CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

2 Introduction – AgShare Methodology CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

3 Key Issues of the AIK Project Under the OERs principles;  Documentation of Agricultural Indigenous knowledge  Recruiting and involving Agriculture and Information Science Master Students in the documentation of AIK from farmers by use of Smart Phone technology.  Supervision of students by project team and academic supervisors.  Database creation to enhance access and exchange of information.  Dissemination of AIK findings  Use AIK findings to feed into curriculum review CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

4 Achievements Objective 1: An enabling institutional environment to support the adoption of the AgShare student-centred research methodology is identified  -Project Inception 1. Implementation plan developed and executed. 2. Institutional project budget developed and followed.  -Investigating/Reporting on institutional challenges and enablers  Report on institutional challenges and enablers for adoption of AgShare developed and submitted. CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

5 Stakeholders Induction workshop @ Mukono Uganda CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

6 Objective 2: An Increased number of good quality OERs produced to support and enhance post-graduate agricultural curricula using the AgShare method.  Purchased 4 laptops and 3 Smart Phones  Stakeholders Induction workshop conducted  AIK data collection techniques and technology applications workshop  Pre-field retooling of students on the use of smart phone technology in data collection conducted  AIK data collected by students under the supervision of project team and academic supervisors.  AIK Online Database created and hosted on Mak/CoCIS server CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

7 Pre-field retooling of students CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

8 Data collection techniques & technology applications workshop CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

9 Objective 2 Cont..  1 Best student research experience report produced  1 student has submitted first draft dissertation.  One staff research supervision experience report produced  Data quality control and translations done  Farmers’ pilot workshop was held in Hoima District  Information packaged in form of flyers, CD-ROM, brochures, posters  Case studies to support agricultural research themes developed for MSc. IS programs CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

10 AIK DVD CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

11 Farmers Workshop in Hoima District CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project


13 Objective 3: Widespread dissemination of the AgShare methodology and quality peer-reviewed African OER created and released as open resources through multiple methods  1 Institutional activity report produced  1 international activity report presented in Mozambique conference  Publication of outputs in form of flyers, CD-ROM, brochures, posters and distributed to districts officials and farmers CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

14 Challenges  Unexpected strikes in the university  Intermittent / slow internet connectivity to the AgShare database  Limited memory storage for the Smart phone & battery life  Video and audio recording challenges  Student slow progress towards completion  Drop out of recruited student CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

15 Way Forward.  Participation in project management and integrated monitoring and evaluation activities  Activity evaluation reports as required:  Evaluation of OER development activities  Evaluation of AgShare online resource guide  Evaluation of AgShare Toolkit  2 x project progress report  1 x final institutional project report CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

16 Way Forward Cont….  Student reflection on OER Development  Student research publication  Face to face seminar with farmers regarding AIK alternative means of dissemination  Presentation of OER to community stakeholders  Progress Reports CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

17 Acknowledgment CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project Makerere University

18 CoCIS/CAES - AgShare II Project

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