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M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !

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Presentation on theme: "M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !"— Presentation transcript:

1 M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome to … Skip Rules

2 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s Points are collected as a team; however, each player must answer his/her question without help from teammates. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

3 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered correctly, that team adds those points to their team score. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

4 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered incorrectly, the team score does not change. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

5 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s This game does not support automatic scoring. Please assign a scorekeeper for your team. This person should keep track of points for both teams. GET READY TO START GET READY TO START 

6 Choose from the followin g topics You will choose questions from the following six topic areas: CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS 

7 TOPIC 1: Motion Motion What do you know about…

8 TOPIC 2: Isaac I What do you know about… Force

9 TOPIC 3: Isaac II What do you know about… Wave Behavior

10 TOPIC 4: Isaac III What do you know about… Flash Back?

11 TOPIC 5: Waves I What do you know about… Waves I

12 TOPIC 6: Waves II What do you know about… Waves II

13 MultiQ Choices MotionForce Wave Behavior Flashback Waves I Waves II 10 20 30 40 50 FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION

14 ReturnReturn Whoops! Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

15 1:101:10 What is the formula for speed? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

16 1:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is v=D/T or Speed or Velocity = Distance divided Time ? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

17 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

18 1:201:20 What is the difference between distance and displacement? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

19 1:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is direction? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

20 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

21 1:301:30 What is the difference between speed and velocity? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

22 1:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is direction? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

23 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

24 1:401:40 A man travels 8 meters in 2 seconds. What is his speed? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

25 1:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is 4 m/s? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

26 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

27 1:501:50 A women travels 90 meters in 2 seconds. What is her speed?. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

28 1:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is 45 m/s? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

29 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

30 2:102:10 A push or pull on an object. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

31 2:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is force? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

32 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

33 2:202:20 What type of force does gravity have? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

34 2:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a downward force force? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

35 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

36 2:302:30 What is Newton’s first law of motion? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

37 2:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is inertia? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

38 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

39 2:402:40 The SI unit of force. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

40 2:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a Newton? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

41 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

42 2:502:50 Explain Inertia and explain the relationship between mass and inertia. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

43 2:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is anything at rest stays at rest and anything in motion stays in motion unless a force acts on it? More Mass More Inertia CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

44 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

45 3:103:10 Wave behavior that bend waves. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

46 3:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is reflection? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

47 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

48 3:203:20 Wave behavior that allows energy to pass through. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

49 3:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is transmission? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

50 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

51 3:303:30 What is the difference between opaque and translucent? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

52 3:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is translucent allows waves to pass through and opaque does not allow waves to pass through? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

53 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

54 3:403:40 What is a reflection? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

55 3:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the type of wave behavior that allows waves to bounce back off of a surface? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

56 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

57 3:503:50 Give an example fo what absorption is. T o p i c 3 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

58 3:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is darker colors absorbs more light energy? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

59 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

60 4:104:10 The force that resists motion between two moving objects. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

61 4:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is friction? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

62 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

63 4:204:20 What are the 3 boundaries? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

64 4:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is divergent, convergent and transform? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

65 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

66 4:304:30 Name the three types of rocks and tell where they are located or can be found. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

67 4:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is igneous (volcanoes), metamorphic (beneath the Earth), and sedimentary (near bodies of water)? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

68 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

69 4:404:40 What is the difference between independent and dependent variable? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

70 4:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the IV changes and the DV responds to the IV? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

71 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

72 4:504:50 What is the difference between a constant and a control? T o p i c 4 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

73 4:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a constant is what remains the same throughout the experiment and a control is the IV left out (0)? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

74 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

75 5:105:10 A disturbance that transfer energy but not matter through a medium or empty space. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

76 5:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a wave? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

77 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

78 5:205:20 What is the highest point to a transverse wave? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

79 5:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the crest? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

80 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

81 5:305:30 What is the lowest point to a transverse wave? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

82 5:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the trough? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

83 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

84 5:405:40 What is a wavelength? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

85 5:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the distane from crest to crest or trough to trough? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

86 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

87 5:505:50 What is the relationship between frequency and wavelengths? T o p i c 5 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

88 5:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

89 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

90 6:106:10 What are the two categories of wave and explain the difference between them? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

91 6:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is mechanical (medium) and electromagnetic (empty space) waves? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

92 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

93 6:206:20 What part of the wave deals with the height? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

94 6:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is amplitude? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

95 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

96 6:306:30 What are the two types of mechanical waves and explain the difference between them? CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

97 6:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is transverse(moves at a right angle to the wave and compressional (moves parallel or back and forth towards the wave? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

98 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

99 Bonus Question B O N U S Q U E S T I O N Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. TO THE BONUS QUESTION TO THE BONUS QUESTION 

100 6:406:40 What type of waves are S waves and P waves? What type of waves are both seismic (S & P waves)?. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

101 6:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is S waves are transverse waves and P waves are compressional waves and both are mechanical waves? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

102 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

103 6:506:50 What is the pathway that sound waves travel through the ear? T o p i c 6 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

104 6:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is outer ear, ear canal, ear drum, 3 small bones in the middle ear, inner ear, tiny hair, nerves, and then the brain? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

105 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

106 Directions for Last Question D I R E C T I O N S Team members may consult on the final question of this game Team members may consult on the final question of this game. TO THE FINAL QUESTION TO THE FINAL QUESTION  If your answer is correct, you may add the wagered amount to your current score. If your answer is incorrect, you must subtract the wagered amount from your current score. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. RETURN TO GAME BOARD

107 Last Questio n In order for refraction to take place, the objects must pass through_____. CLICK TO CHECK T H E F I N A L Q U E S T I O N

108 Last Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is different mediums? CLICK TO END THE GAME ADD OR SUBTRACT WAGERED AMOUNTS

109 Turn in team score Add up your team score and report it to your teacher. T H A N K S F O R P L A Y I N G ! DON’T FORGET TO STUDY & REVIEW ON YOUR OWN!

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