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Karen Wilson Assistant Chief Statistician National Accounts & Analytic Studies Statistics Canada Productivity Measurement in the CSNA.

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1 Karen Wilson Assistant Chief Statistician National Accounts & Analytic Studies Statistics Canada Productivity Measurement in the CSNA

2 History of KLEMS in Canada  Canadian KLEMS database published In June 2007 NAICS classification system 1961 to 2003 ≈100 industries ISIC based dataset for EU-KLEMS (May 2008)  Updated & published annually with revision cycle of SNA 25/02/2016 2 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

3 Labour Services  Hours worked by industry are estimated using high level industry benchmarks of “actual” hours worked (household survey) and allocated to detailed industries based on establishment level payroll survey data.  Compositional effects are calculated by education, experience and class of worker benchmarked to quinquennial census  The “L” from this new methodology has been adopted as the official measure of hours worked to go with the Canadian SNA and now both quarterly labour productivity and annual regional labour productivity are part of the product line of the official accounts 25/02/2016 3 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

4 Capital Services  New estimates of Capital Stock by type of asset by industry have been developed for the “new and improved” KLEMS.  Capital expenditure survey collects investment flows, expected asset lives and discard prices by type of asset  Both age/price and age/efficiency point to geometric patterns for Canada  Capital services are based on these new estimates – the new stocks will be integrated into the official CSNA in 2012 with adoption of SNA2008 25/02/2016 4 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

5 Advantages of “embedding” KLEMS  Feedback loop on Output, value-added, and intermediate inputs for SNA (data quality assurance)  Analytic Framework for setting priorities for improvements in the production statistics  Analytic Framework to “road test” new variables (R&D capital, other intangibles, resource productivity)  Productivity research consistent with macro policy analysis 25/02/2016 5 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

6 Upcoming Developments  Full integration of capital stocks/flows and capital services with SNA (2012)  Release of more detail especially on capital  Renovation of Input Output tables in Canada to include more services industries  KLEMS as the main time series database for industry accounts 25/02/2016 6 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

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