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T.E.Girish,Vipindas.V and C.R.Nair Department of Physics University College,Trivandrum INDIA.

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Presentation on theme: "T.E.Girish,Vipindas.V and C.R.Nair Department of Physics University College,Trivandrum INDIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 T.E.Girish,Vipindas.V and C.R.Nair Department of Physics University College,Trivandrum INDIA

2 Introduction- 1 According to hoops conjecture gravitational compression suggest a limiting mass density for formation of macro black holes. We suggest the possibility of an equivalent condition for transformation of elementary particles in to micro black holes satisfying limiting energy ( mass) density in the ultra relativisitc limits. In our case these limiting values match with energy/mass density of the early universe

3 Introduction-2 1 In this paper we have found the conditions for the transformations of elementary particles in to black holes in the ultra relativistic limits 2 The mass ( M) and size (Rs) of such black holes are given by the relations M=hc/2Gm, Rs= h/mc ; m rest mass of particles 3 Photon black holes are planck particles 4 The mass density of elementary particle black holes mimic the density of early universe predicted by big bang cosmology from 10^ -43 to 10 ^-20 seconds 5 mass spectrum of elementary particles may be window to very early universe.

4 Relevance of Trans-Planckian Physics 1 Standard model do not address. This is the the realm of Quantum Gravity 2 Energy density of very early universe 3 Minimum mass of a black hole is Planck mass

5 Elementary particles in the Ultra relativistic limits 1 In the ultra relativistic limits we postulate that the minimum value of De-Broglie wavelength (λ) of an elementary particle (EP) is equal to its Schwarchild radii ( r) (As λ  0 the particle is getting more and more localized such that its energy density becomes very high ) 2 when λ = r = 2Gm/r^2, m is rest mass of the EP we get maximum value for the relativistic energy (Em) and mass of these particles ( M) using the relations: λ = h/p, E=pc, M= E/c^2 We find that Em = hc^3/2Gm, M=hc/2Gm

6 EP in UR limits: EP micro Black Holes We postulate that all EP in the UR limits transform to micro black holes of mass M and size Rs The size of the EP black holes are found to be Rs = 2GM/c^2 = h/mc = λc, Compton wavelength of EP. Photons becomes Planck particles or Planck BH in UR limits (the equivalent relativistic mass of photon M=E/c^2) We propose the condition m=M in UR limits for photons The photon becomes a massive elementary particle of rest mass approx equal to Planck mass ( CR Nair,2005). where M= SQRT ( hc/2G)= sqrt ( π ) Mp (Planck mass) Rs of photon BH is given by Rs= sqrt ( 2) Lp ( Planck length) Physical Properties of selected EP Black holes given as Table- 

7 Mass density of EP Black holes We find that the volume of EP Black holes is given by V= 4/3 π (Rs)^3 or 4/3 π ( λc)^3 Mass density of EP BH is given by ρ = M/V The mass density of photon BH is comparable to Planck density corresponding to density at the end of Planck time after Big Bang. The primordial BH in early universe satisfy Carr equation M ( in Kg) = 10^35 t, (t is in seconds from Big Bang)

8 Physical Properties of EP Black holes Particle ( BH) Mass M ( kg) Energy E ( Joules) Radii ( Rs) ( m) Density kg m-3 Time ( s) 1 Photon3.86E-083.47E+095.73E-354.94E+943.86 E-43 2 Tau4.72E+114.25E+287.00E-163.29E+564.72E-24 3 Omega 5.02E+11 4.51E+287.43E-162.92E+56 5.02E-24 4 Lambda 7.52E+11 6.77E+28 1.11E-151.30E+56 7.52E-54 5 Neutron 8.93E+11 8.03E+28 1.32E-159.21E+55 8.93E-24 6 Proton 8.94E+11 8.04E+28 1.32E-159,18E+55 8.94E-24 7 Eta 1.53E+12 1.38E+29 2.27E-153.13E+55 1.53E-23 8Neutral Pion 6.21E+12 5.59E+29 9.21E-151.9E +546.21E-23 9 Muon7.94E+12 7.15E+29 1.18E-141.16E+547.94E-23 10 Electron1.64E+15 1.48E+322.43E-122.72E+491.64E-20

9 Results 1 The mass density of EP Black holes mimic the same of early universe between 10E-43 to 10E-20 seconds 2 There are no long lived EP BH bewteen 10E-44 to 10E-21 s Is it a reflection of inflation phenomena in early universe ? 3 It appears that elementary particle physical data is possibly window to very early universe.


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