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Working to support high quality instruction and support for all of New Hampshire’s students. Response to Instruction in New Hampshire (NH-RTI)

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Presentation on theme: "Working to support high quality instruction and support for all of New Hampshire’s students. Response to Instruction in New Hampshire (NH-RTI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working to support high quality instruction and support for all of New Hampshire’s students. Response to Instruction in New Hampshire (NH-RTI)

2 NH RTI Task Force 2008 Stakeholders –DOE –Districts –Institutes of Higher Education (IHE’s) –Organizations

3 What Is RTI? The New Hampshire RTI Task Force has adopted the definition created by a team of experts for the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE): “ Response to Intervention (RTI) is the practice of (1) providing high-quality instruction/interventions matched to student needs and (2) )using learning rate over time and level of performance to (3) make important educational decisions. These three components of RTI are essential.” 1 1 Batsche, et al., (2005). Response to Intervention: Policy Implications and Implementation. Arlington, VA: National Association of State

4 RTI Resources developed by the RTI Task Force “AN INTERACTIVE GUIDE TO RTI IN NEW HAMPSHIRE” STRATEGIC PLAN (2009-2013) guide.pdf

5 RTI Resources developed by the RTI Task Force NH RTI Wiki

6 Professional Development Data DatesTrainingParticipantsProvider/Sponsor 5/2009RTI Task Force RoundtableRTI Task ForceShannon Harken - NHDOE 7/2009RTI Cohort 1 (2.5 days)300 participantsShannon Harken - NHDOE 9/2009NHSAA “All Children” Conf250 participantsNH School Administrators Assc 11/2009RTI Cohort I cont. (1 day)154 participantsShannon Harken - NHDOE 3/2010NHASEA Annual Conf200 participantsAmelia Van Name Larson 3/2010NHASEA Annual Conf200 participantsRTI Task Force 4/2010RTI Cohort I cont. (1 day)117 participantsShannon Harken – NHDOE 5/2010RTI Overview Training25 SAC MbrsRTI Task Force 7/8/10RTI Cohort II (2 days)285 participantsShannon Harken - NHDOE 7/2010RTI Cohort I (Advanced – 2 days) 190 participantsAmelia Van Name Larson NHDOE 8/2010NH DOE Consultants35National Center on RTI/NHDOE 11/12/10RTI Cohort II75Shannon Harken - NHDOE 12/2010Doing What Works - RTI40 consultants (NHDOE) RMC Research

7 Professional Development Data DatesTrainingParticipantsProvider/Sponsor 12/2010RTI Cohort I Advanced Cont. (1 day) 70 participantsAmelia Van Name Larson - NHDOE 3/2011RTI Cohort I Advanced Cont (1 day) Amelia Van Name Larson – NHDOE 3/2011NHASEA Annual Conf200 participantsGeorge Batsche - NHASEA 4/2011RTI Cohort 2 cont. (1 day)Shannon Harken – NHDOE NH RESPONDS 2/6/09 & 3/13/09 RTI Tier 1 behavior & literacy team training 200 participants 35 school teams NH RESPONDS grant 3/24/10 & 5/3/10 RTI Tier 2 behavior & literacy sch team training 115 participants 14 school teams NH RESPONDS grant 8 sch teams at both tier 1 & 2 2011RTI Tier 3 beh & Lit (2 days)115 participantsNH RESPONDS Grant 2008- 2012 5 SAU Demonstration Sites (4 ECEs, 9 Elem, 2 HS) SAUs 9, 43, 54, 55 & 56 NH RESPONDS grant - RTI literacy and Behavior ongoing

8 NH RTI PLC 2010-2011 Task Force dissolved in fall 2010 and NHPLC formed Based on data collected from all sources, PLC will focus on 4 priority topics, inviting key stakeholders to participate Leadership Institutes of Higher Education Parent Involvement Professional Development

9 NH RTI PLC 2011-2012 Professional development planning and implementation continues; Proposal submitted to National Center on RTI Technical assistance in statewide implementation of RTI Creation of pilot RTI sites in NH

10 Intensive Technical Assistance in statewide implementation of RTI National Center on RTI

11 Technical Assistance Plan Goals 1.Build consensus and develop an operational infrastructure at the SEA level that includes capacity building, effective communication, a comprehensive improvement plan, and a longitudinal student data system that will support implementation of RTI at the local levels. 2.Establish and pilot network of demonstration sites 11

12 Pilot Sites Belmont ElementaryEmily Spear Chichester Central SchoolPam Styles Lin-Wood Public School Robert Nelson Madison Elementary School Brian Ernest Maple Ave Elementary Cathie Davignon Nottingham School Michelle Carvalho 12

13 Panel Presentations Elaine.McNulty@

14 Questions?

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