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Welcome to Accounting I Professor R. Jason Cade Unit 1 Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Accounting I Professor R. Jason Cade Unit 1 Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Accounting I Professor R. Jason Cade Unit 1 Seminar

2 Text Title: Accounting I, Author: Warren Reeve and Duchac Tech Problems – 1-866-522-7747 My contact info: –Email: –AIM: cadeKaplan (you can get access to AIM at if needed) –Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00 am ET to 12:00 pm ET. When emailing, make sure to include course name and section. This helps me keep up with all of you! Thanks!

3 Announcements Course Tab

4 Documents are placed here for you use and assistance. (ex: “B” problem solutions, homework templates, seminar information and presentations, etc.) The dropdown menu gives you templates, tables, practice finals, etc.

5 Each Unit’s Reading Section has the Unit’s Chapter available to you in an online version! You can always access the text via your computer!

6 There are several navigation components and tools for you to use in each Unit. The following pages will cover these for you! 123 4 4 1)Accounting Glossary (see next slide) 2)Navigation to Home Page for the Section (this icon will bring to you page 1 of the section) 3)Table of Contents for the Section (see below) 4)Page by page navigation (allows you to go back & forth to the pages in the section)

7 1) Accounting Glossary: When you click on the Glossary icon (shown above), you are brought to an interactive glossary of accounting terminology.

8 3) Table of Contents: When you click on the Table of Contents, you can navigate to the area of the section needed.

9 The Units have “tutorials” available with instructional PowerPoint lectures. The “tutorials” also provide exercises with audio instruction covering how to work the problem!

10 The Units have “Lecture to Go” available with instructional audio lectures. The “Lectures to Go” also provide exercises with audio instruction covering how to work the problem! These can be downloaded to your iPod or MP3 player.

11 The Units have three study tools to assist with the Unit’s material and reinforce the concepts:  Accounting Games (this tool reinforces the material via interactive video games)  Flash Cards  Crossword Puzzle

12 You will submit your homework each week in the Dropbox area of the classroom. Be sure to use the dropdown to select the homework you are submitting!


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