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Chapter 9 Gorillas in Our Midst 真ん中のゴリラ. Words Usage The human eye is amazing, but also limited. 驚くような We only see what we need to see, for みる必要があるもの.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Gorillas in Our Midst 真ん中のゴリラ. Words Usage The human eye is amazing, but also limited. 驚くような We only see what we need to see, for みる必要があるもの."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Gorillas in Our Midst 真ん中のゴリラ

2 Words Usage The human eye is amazing, but also limited. 驚くような We only see what we need to see, for みる必要があるもの example, when we look for an empty seat on a 探す bus but don’t see our friend.

3 Words Usage Our eye is like a camera. Light comes in/ and hits the back of the eye,/ making an unclear image./ But our brain combines/ the images from each eye/ and produces/ a colorful, smooth movie of the world around us. /

4 Words Usage When we watch an active basketball scene,/ our eyes send/ a huge amount of information/ 莫大な量の to our brain. / However,/ our brain cannot follow /all the images, /and so it looks for one thing,/ making us blind to other things./ 見えない様にする

5 Words Usage For example,/ we filmed /a basketball 撮影した practice/ ― and then /this happened!/ Could anyone miss that?/ A group watches the film, /but is told /to count the number of times/ the players in yellow/ pass 回数 黄色の選手 the ball /to each other. / They can/ ignore the players in blue. / Will counting the passes/ make their brains miss the gorilla?/

6 Words Usage Most of the group counted /the correct 〜のほとんど 正確な数 number of passes,/ but only five of them/ saw something unusual!/ 奇妙なもの The majority didn’t see the gorilla. 大多数 When they watch the same film again/ without worrying about the passes/ and the gorilla appears, /they “can’t believe/ their eyes.”/

7 Words Usage They were so busy counting/ that their brains missed/ seeing the gorilla. / We don’t see some things/because our brain processes/ only a limited amount of 限られた量 information at one time./ 一度に Let’s look inside/ the bus again./ Did you see the gorilla the first time?

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