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The Sense of Order. Add one top-to-bottom straight line.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sense of Order. Add one top-to-bottom straight line."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sense of Order

2 Add one top-to-bottom straight line

3 Add 12 dots inside big rectangle

4 Add a pair of symmetrical curves

5 Cap the Curves and Add 1 left-to-right straight line

6 Universal Response

7 Gestalt Theory of Perception


9 Visual and Verbal Thinking Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word, not the word itself YELLOW BLUE ORANGE BLACK RED GREEN PURPLE YELLOW RED ORANGE GREEN BLACK BLUE RED PURPLE GREEN BLUE ORANGE

10 Grouping A search for pattern  Similarity  Proximity  Continuity These perceptual tendencies lead us to see the relationships among the graphic elements of a composition and see it as a more comprehensible whole Distance override shape Colour override distance

11 Grouping The principle of grouping helps promote the coexistence of unity, variety and visual richness in a drawing

12 Closure A search for stability Closure is the tendency for an open or discontinuous figure to be seen as a closed or complete and stable shape Under this principle, viewer will mentally complete interrupted lines and fill in discontinuous shapes in a drawing.

13 Closure We can use this property of perception to suggest shapes without actually drawing them. This can lead to a more economical use of line and greater efficiency in drawing

14 Projection A search for meaning Our mind constantly searches for meaning in what we see. In its search for meaning, the mind imagines and projects familiar images onto shape patterns until it finds a match that makes sense. Once seen and understood, it is difficult not to see the image.

15 Razzle Dazzle painting Adapted from:

16 Photo Credit:

17 Projection: WHY IT MATTERS? The manner in which the mind assigns meaning to what it encounters is often unpredictable. We must therefore be aware that others may see something other than what we intend or expect them to see in our drawings

18 Manifestation of Gestalt in Different Design Fields

19 Visual Perception of Form Silhouette Edges






25 Activity – Straight Lines Composition

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