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Planning Under Uncertainty. Sensing error Partial observability Unpredictable dynamics Other agents.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Under Uncertainty. Sensing error Partial observability Unpredictable dynamics Other agents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Under Uncertainty

2 Sensing error Partial observability Unpredictable dynamics Other agents

3 Three Strategies for Handling Uncertainty Reactive strategies  Replanning Proactive strategies  Anticipating future uncertainty  Shaping future uncertainty (active sensing)

4 Uncertainty in Dynamics This class: the robot has uncertain dynamics  Calibration errors, wheel slip, actuator error, unpredictable obstacles Perfect (or good enough) sensing

5 Modeling imperfect dynamics Probabilistic dynamics model  P(x’|x,u): a probability distribution over successors x’, given state x, control u  Markov assumption Nondeterministic dynamics model  f(x,u) -> a set of possible successors

6 Target Tracking target robot  The robot must keep a target in its field of view  The robot has a prior map of the obstacles  But it does not know the target’s trajectory in advance

7 Target-Tracking Example  Time is discretized into small steps of unit duration  At each time step, each of the two agents moves by at most one increment along a single axis  The two moves are simultaneous  The robot senses the new position of the target at each step  The target is not influenced by the robot (non-adversarial, non- cooperative target) target robot

8 Time-Stamped States (no cycles possible)  State = (robot-position, target-position, time)  In each state, the robot can execute 5 possible actions : {stop, up, down, right, left}  Each action has 5 possible outcomes (one for each possible action of the target), with some probability distribution [Potential collisions are ignored for simplifying the presentation] ([i,j], [u,v], t) ([i+1,j], [u,v], t+1) ([i+1,j], [u-1,v], t+1) ([i+1,j], [u+1,v], t+1) ([i+1,j], [u,v-1], t+1) ([i+1,j], [u,v+1], t+1) right

9 Rewards and Costs The robot must keep seeing the target as long as possible  Each state where it does not see the target is terminal  The reward collected in every non-terminal state is 1; it is 0 in each terminal state [  The sum of the rewards collected in an execution run is exactly the amount of time the robot sees the target]  No cost for moving vs. not moving

10 Expanding the state/action tree... horizon 1 horizon h

11 Assigning rewards... horizon 1 horizon h  Terminal states: states where the target is not visible  Rewards: 1 in non-terminal states; 0 in others  But how to estimate the utility of a leaf at horizon h?

12 Estimating the utility of a leaf... horizon 1 horizon h  Compute the shortest distance d for the target to escape the robot’s current field of view  If the maximal velocity v of the target is known, estimate the utility of the state to d/v [conservative estimate] target robot d

13 Selecting the next action... horizon 1 horizon h  Compute the optimal policy over the state/action tree using estimated utilities at leaf nodes  Execute only the first step of this policy  Repeat everything again at t+1… (sliding horizon) Real-time constraint: h is chosen so that a decision can be returned in unit time [A larger h may result in a better decision that will arrive too late !!]

14 Pure Visual Servoing

15 Computing and Using a Policy

16 Markov Decision Process Finite state space X, action space U Reward function R(x) Optimal value function V(x) Bellman equations  If x is terminal: V(x) = R(x)  If x is non-terminal: V(x) = R(x) + max u  U  x’  X P(x’|x,u)V(x’)   *(x) = arg max u  U  x’  X P(x’|x,u)V(x’)

17 Solving Finite MDPs Value iteration  Improve V(x) by repeatedly “backing-up” value of best action Policy iteration  Improve  (x) by repeatedly computing best action Linear programming

18 Continuous Markov Decision Processes Discretize state and action space  E.g., grids, random samples  => Perform value/policy iteration/LP formulation on discrete space Or discretize value function  Basis functions  => Iterative least squares approaches

19 Extra Credit for Open House +5% of final project grade Preliminary demo & description by next Tuesday Open House on April 16, 4-7pm

20 Upcoming Subjects Sensorless planning (Goldberg, 1994)  An example of a nondeterministic uncertainty model Planning to sense (Gonzalez-Banos and Latombe 2002)

21 Comments on Uncertainty Reasoning with uncertainty requires representing and transforming sets of states This is challenging in high-D spaces  Hard to get accurate, sparse representation  Multi-modal, nonlinear, degenerate distributions Breakthroughs would have dramatic impact

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