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 As part of Government reforms, the system of national curriculum levels used to report pupil’s attainment and progress have been removed.  Schools.

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2  As part of Government reforms, the system of national curriculum levels used to report pupil’s attainment and progress have been removed.  Schools are being encouraged to introduce their own approaches to assessment to support pupils attainment and progress.

3  Assessment takes many guises.  Provides opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their progress in everyday work, specific assessment tasks or tests.  Inclusive of all abilities.  Assessment for learning outcomes are an open, honest and transparent way to assist pupils in their learning – achievements, strengths, areas for development & next steps.  Teacher Assessment – marking; discussion/ verbal feedback, assertive mentoring.  Self assessment & peer assessment.

4  Feedback sheets

5  Pupil Progress Passports  Judgements are moderated to ensure accuracy.  High expectations for every pupil.  Assessment should draw on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of pupil achievement.  Target setting  Tracking progress  Analysis of attainment and progress  Summative – in school, outside agencies  A schools results are compared with other schools nationally at end of KS1 & KS2.

6  Helps:  Pupils develop in their learning in all subject areas.  Parents to support their children’s learning.  Teachers in planning and teaching across the curriculum.  School leaders and governors in planning, moving a school forward and allocating resources.  Government agencies, statutory requirements.

7 Baseline assessment before half term in October– Early Excellence-external provider selected by IPS Not statutory but necessary for pupils entry/exit progress to be measured.

8 Summer Term 2016 Year 1 Phonics Screening Tests Year 2 Phonics screening National Curriculum tests to inform Teacher Assessment;  Reading  English grammar, punctuation and spelling  Arithmetic  Reasoning Teacher Assessments are given for Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing, Maths and Science Judgements at end of Key Stage 1 will be: Working towards the expected standard, Working at expected standard Or Working at greater depth within the expected standard.

9 Statutory Tests  Reading  Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar  Arithmetic  Reasoning 1  Reasoning 2 Teacher Assessment  Speaking & Listening  Reading  Writing  SPaG  Arithmetic  Reasoning  Science Judgements at end of Key Stage 2 will be: Working towards the expected standard, Working at expected standard Or Working at greater depth within the expected standard.

10  Termly Consultations for Pupils, Parents and Teachers.  Autumn term report will focus on pupils attitudes to all aspects of school life  Excellent  Good  Greater effort required


12 Mid and end of year reports will inform parents/carers of a pupils  Achievement and progress Pupils working towards the age related expectations (ARE). Pupils working at the age related expectations (ARE). Or Pupils working at greater depth within the age related expectations (ARE).  Targets for reading writing and maths

13  No more levels  ARE Age Related Expectations  Working towards ARE  Working at ARE  Working at greater depth within ARE

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