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USERRA Actions CPT Kaonohi, Lora-Jan, SrA Melanie Marquez.

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Presentation on theme: "USERRA Actions CPT Kaonohi, Lora-Jan, SrA Melanie Marquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 USERRA Actions CPT Kaonohi, Lora-Jan, SrA Melanie Marquez

2 Entry into AUS Documents needed  A completed SF-52 (Request for Personnel Action) specifying the effective date.  A copy of the military orders to include amendments.  A completed USERRA Election Form Checklist  FEHB Premium Conversion Waiver/Election form (if applicable).  FEGLI Notice and Election Form (if applicable).  TSP – 41 (if applicable)

3 AUS and RTD Policy Draft  Technicians electing to go on status will be responsible for their documents.  Mandatory for actions over 30 days  Technicians, timekeepers, and supervisors hold the responsibility for the correct time code. KG not KA.  All USERRA actions will only be processed through DCPDS.

4 Election Form for AUS

5 1. * Determine if you qualify for Reservist Differential. Decide if using any earned annual leave or compensatory time in lieu of military LWOP while on orders. This information will help you complete paragraph 2 and 3 of the USERRA election form. Remember that there is a time limit to use compensatory time and if not used in time, it will expire. 2. Complete your personal information on the USERRA election form. Processing AUS Actions Flowchart 3. Read the “Hawaii National Guard- Technician Information and Election Rights, October 2015” and initial in paragraph 1 of the election form. This handout will provide you with more detailed information on the following items in the election form. 4. * Determining Your Effective Date for AUS actions Reserve Differential Non-Qualifying Individual: If using any leave (compensatory, annual, or military leave) at the start of your orders, the effective date of the AUS action will be the first “technician duty day” in a “non-pay” status. For example, Joe Smith’s orders start date falls on a Sunday (non-technician duty day) and he elects to use 4 days of annual leave, his AUS effective date is that following Friday. Reserve Differential Qualifying Individual: If regular compensatory time is used at the start of your orders, the effective date of the AUS action will be the first “technician duty day” in a “non-pay” status. For example, Joe Smith’s orders start date falls on a Sunday (non-technician duty day) and he elects to use 4 days of regular compensatory time, his AUS effective date is that following Friday. For Reservist Differential qualifiers, only regular compensatory time will adjust your effective date. Reserve Differential Qualifying/Non-Qualifying Individual: If leave is not used at the start of your orders, your effective date will be the first “technician duty day”. For example, if the end date of Joe Smith’s orders falls on a Sunday (non-technician duty day), you’ll be coded in a “non pay” status on that following Monday. 5. Complete paragraphs 2 through 15 of the USERRA election form, sign and date. 6. Complete your SF 52 using the “How to Complete SF 52, AUS” power point instructions. 7. Submit all documents listed below to the Human Resources Office 60 days prior to the effective date: A completed SF-52 (Request for Personnel Action) specifying the effective date. A copy of military orders and any amendments. A completed USERRA Election checklist. FEHB Premium Conversion Waiver/Election form (if applicable). FEGLI Notice and Election Form (if applicable). TSP – 41 (if applicable). *Footnotes Reserve differential – If your salary as a technician is more than if you were on military orders (only under certain authorities, reference Hawaii National Guard-Technician Information and Election Rights, para 8-1), you may qualify for Reserve Differential; qualification for reserve differential could affect determining the start of your effective date. Under reserve differential, only regular compensatory time will affect your effective date. See Hawaii National Guard Technician Information and Election Rights, para 8. Compensatory Time- Please review Hawaii National Guard Technician Information and Election Rights, para 4 and 5.

6 RTD from AUS Documents needed  A completed SF-52 (Request for Personnel Action) specifying the effective date of return.  A copy of any amendment/modification to previous orders (if applicable).  Copy of DD Form 214, copy 2,4 or 7 only. (if applicable)  A completed USERRA “RTD” Election Form. Application for Reservist Differential Payments (if applicable)  TSP 41 (if applicable)  Request for USERRA Retroactive TSP Contributions Form (if applicable)

7 Election Form for RTD

8 1. Submit all modified orders that may have changed your RTD date listed on your USERRA RTD election form. 2. Complete your personal information on the USERRA RTD election form. Processing RTD Actions Flowchart 3. Read the “Hawaii National Guard- Technician Information and Election Rights”. This handout will provide you with more detailed information on the following items in the election form. *5. Determining Your Effective Date for RTD actions if military orders are longer than 30 days: Based on your restoration period described above, the effective date of the RTD action will be the first day the technician physically returns back to a “technician duty status”. For example, Joe Smith’s orders end date falls on a Sunday (non-technician duty day) and he elects to use 4 days of annual leave and also has up to 180 days to return to work; he decides to use his 4 days of annual leave but chooses to return the day after his annual leave, his effective RTD date is Friday. If *presidential leave is used after the completion of your orders, your effective date will be the first day on presidential leave. Based on your restoration period described above, if leave is not used at the end of your orders, your effective date will be the first “technician duty day” within the allotted time described above; you must physically return to your technician position within the restoration period listed in the guidelines described above. 6. Complete paragraphs 2 through 12 of the USERRA RTD election form, sign and date. 7. Complete your SF 52 using the “How to Complete SF 52, RTD” power point instructions. 8. Submit all documents listed below to the Human Resources Office one pay period prior to the effective date: A completed SF-52 (Request for Personnel Action) specifying the effective date. A copy of any amendment/modification to previous orders (if applicable). Copy of DD Form 214, copy 2,4 or 7 only. (if applicable) A completed USERRA RTD Election checklist. Application for Reservist Differential Payments (if applicable). Request for USERRA Retroactive TSP Contributions Form (if applicable). TSP 41 (if applicable) *Footnotes Reserve differential – If your salary as a technician is more than if you were on military orders, you may qualify for Reserve Differential; qualification for reserve differential could affect determining the start of your effective date. Under reserve differential, only compensatory time will affect your effective date. See Hawaii National Guard Technician Information and Election Rights, para 8. Presidential Leave – Only applicable if military service consists of 42 consecutive days and is in connection with Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) contingency. Entitled to five work days of excused absence without charge to leave. For more information, please refer to Hawaii National Guard Technician Information and Election Rights, para 6. Restoration Period is the amount of time given to a technician before they have to report back to their technician position. Military leave cannot be used during restoration period; military leave may only be used during the duration of the military orders. *4. Determine your restoration period by reviewing the guidance below: 1.If military orders time frame is 1-30 days= effective date is the next technician duty day 2.If military orders time frame is 31-180 days= effective date will be within 14 calendar days. 3.If military orders time frame is 181+ days= effective date will be within 90 days.


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