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Ch. 12.  Flashback: Han dynasty ends in 220 B.C.  After the Han dynasty ended, China broke into 17 different kingdoms.  In 581 A.D., the Sui Dynasty.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 12.  Flashback: Han dynasty ends in 220 B.C.  After the Han dynasty ended, China broke into 17 different kingdoms.  In 581 A.D., the Sui Dynasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 12

2  Flashback: Han dynasty ends in 220 B.C.  After the Han dynasty ended, China broke into 17 different kingdoms.  In 581 A.D., the Sui Dynasty finally reunited China.  Sui Dynasty was founded when an Emperor named Wendi won battle after battle.

3  3 Dynasties ruled China at various times during the Middle Ages.  Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty  On your own, complete the chart of the 3 dynasties. (Pages 409-412)

4  Think(1 minute) ◦ Which Dynasty accomplished the most for China? ◦ Which Dynasty accomplished the least for China?  Pair(2 minutes) ◦ Partner-up with someone sitting next to you and share your thoughts.  Share(2 minutes) ◦ Popsicle sticks – Be Ready to Share!

5  Confucianism ◦ Confucianism believes that a good government needed wise leaders. ◦ Civil Service Exams started because of this. ◦ Was not as popular in China in the Middle Ages as Buddhism was. ◦ Buddhism was much more spiritual.

6  Neo-Confucianism ◦ Created to try and reduce Buddhism’s popularity ◦ Life is just as important as Afterlife ◦ Tang and Song Dynasties preferred Neo- Confucianism to Buddhism ◦ Song Dynasty made Neo-Confucianism their official philosophy, or belief system. ◦ Used civil service exams to select government officials.

7  Kublai Khan died in 1294  Chinese people were tired of Mongol control and wanted their own dynasty  Series of rebellions drove out the Mongols  Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor ◦ Founded the Ming Dynasty

8  Ming – “Brilliant”  Zhu lead cruelly for 30 years  Son, Yong Le took over  Moved capital to Beijing and created the Imperial City


10  Had a strong government with help of census and civil service examinations.  Canals and farms destroyed by Mongols were rebuilt  Farming became very big again and introduced cotton to the Chinese people  Chinese Muslim named Zheng He led voyages along the Chinese coastline with a fleet of ships to explore and trade.

11  Chinese Navigator (1371-1433)  Traveled to India, Arabia, and East Africa  Traded silk, paper, and porcelain for silver, spices, and wood  Brought back giraffes for the Emperor’s Zoo

12  Officials became greedy and placed heavy taxes on the peasants  Peasants revolted and weakened China as a whole  Group from north of Great Wall attached and captured Beijing.  Set up a new dynasty in 1644

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