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Phrasal Verb give. give + away  [give something away] give something to someone without taking money in return  [give away information that is meant.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrasal Verb give. give + away  [give something away] give something to someone without taking money in return  [give away information that is meant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrasal Verb give

2 give + away  [give something away] give something to someone without taking money in return  [give away information that is meant to be secret] let other people know about the secret information, sometimes by mistake  [someone gives away an advantage] someone accidentally causes the opponent or enemy to have advantage  [give yourself away] your actions or words accidentally reveal something about you which you wanted to keep hidden

3 give + back  [give something back] return something to the person who gave it to you or who it belongs to  [something gives back a quality, characteristic, or freedom that someone has lost] something restores to someone that quality, characteristic, or freedom

4 give + in  admit that you will have to do something you have been trying not to do, or that you will not be able to do something you wanted to do [=surrender]  [give in a piece of work] hand it to a teacher or to someone who will assess it

5 give + off  objects or processes release heat, light, smoke, or sound into the air  notice a particular quality very easily in their appearance or actions  [British] [give off doing something] completely stop doing something

6 give + onto  a door or window leads straight in a particular place, or has a view over it

7 give + out  [give out a number of things] distribute them among a number of different people  [something gives out] stops working because it is old, damaged, or tired.  [a supply of something gives out] there is no more left  [news or information is given out] news or information is announced, sometimes unofficially  someone or something produces light, heat, or sound in a noticeable way  sigh, scream or make some other sound

8 give + over  suddenly stop doing an activity  [tell someone to give over] want them to stop doing something that is annoying you

9 give + over + to  [something is given over to a particular or purpose] something is used only for a particular activity or purpose  [give yourself over to an activity] spend all your time and effort doing an activity  [give something over to someone] let them have something, so that they can look after it or have responsibility for it

10 give + up  stop doing an activity or believing in a belief  stop doing a task because it is too difficult, or because you are no longer interested in it  [give something up] allow someone else to have it, because you no longer need it or they need it more than you do  [give yourself up] you allowed yourself to be arrested or captured (by police or enemy troops)  [give someone up] tell the police where someone is so that they can be arrested  [give someone up that you are having a relationship with] decide to end the relationship  [give up your time to do something for someone else] spend a lot of your own time doing something for someone else  [give up your job] resign from the job  [say give it up for someone] asking an audience to applaud someone

11 give + up + on  [give up on someone or something] stop trying to do something that involves them, because you think you will never succeed or understand them

12 give + up + to  [give yourself or your life up to a particular thing] devote all your time, thought, and energy to it

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