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Solvent machine cleaning - Risk analysis 1/22 L.Bardo - PH-CMX 04 December 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Solvent machine cleaning - Risk analysis 1/22 L.Bardo - PH-CMX 04 December 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solvent machine cleaning - Risk analysis 1/22 L.Bardo - PH-CMX 04 December 2015

2 Content 1.Description  Equipment & Location  Vertrel XF 2.Continuous preventive and protective measures 3.Critical situations – Risk Analysis 2/22

3 3/22 D ESCRIPTION Equipment & Location


5 Technical measures 5/22 C ONTINUOUS PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES -Adapt the ventilation  Cavern Volume = 2000 m3 air.  Only fresh air pulsed : Flow rate= 10 000 m3/hour – (the air is warmed up) + “Brassage” = 30 000 m3/hour pulsing = 40 000 m3/hour pulsing  Natural extraction through the pit  Air renewed every 12 minutes – 5 renewal/hour  In case of emergency: Extraction (“désenfumage”) 20 000 m3/hour – test will be drawn up by Frederic Juban and he will also give an explanation on how to activate the system to CMS collaborators (To be completed: 16 5000, Antonio, Maf, Sandro,) -> to be planned  Install aerolic connection on the “ desenfumage” system to collect the vapours at the source-> to be done by EN-CV  If some areas seems not to be properly ventilated, extractors can be added –> extractors are ordered

6 Technical measures 6/22 C ONTINUOUS PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES -Portable ODH always worn by personnel intervening in USC55 and UXC55 -> the ODH detector triggered in presence of VERTREL XF -Move one of the two ODH sensors located under the cold box -> in discussion -Retention tank under the condenser -> check if the CMS retention tank are big enough -Retention tank included in the solvent machine -> retention > 1m3 once installed -CO2 Fire extinguishers -> check that a sufficient amount of fire extinguisher are present on site. -Obstructing plate -> Ordered -Absorption kit already in USC55 level -2 S3 -> check if it is compatible with the product used -Mobile shower -> to be ordered? + Retention for rinsing water -Rinse eye already in USC55 level -2 S3 inside the absorption kit -> keep the absorption cabinet open

7 Organisational measures 7/22 C ONTINUOUS PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES -Fire brigade will be informed about the intervention and the risks present (provide the product MSDS) -> organise a visit -Access limited -> put barriers level-1 and level-2 with panel indicating the reason, duration, contact person -Check if shifters will be present during nights and weekends. If no check with the Fire Brigade if they can patrol the area.

8 Documentation 8/22 C ONTINUOUS PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES -MSDS close to the tank -Tank identified with the name of the product and pictograms -Instruction what to do in case of spill -> to be adapted -Instruction what to do in case of projection -> already existing

9 Training 9/22 C ONTINUOUS PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES -All persons intervening have followed the appropriate safety trainings and have the access to work in the USC55 cavern -> Email sent -Specific training on site -> organise a Safety briefing for people intervening to get familiar with the premises and safety equipment and procedure -Chemical awareness on SIR online will be followed by all people intervening -List among the people intervening which one are First-aider -> list of people intervening -List among the people intervening which one followed the fire extinguisher training courses -> list of people intervening -At least 1 chemist will always be on site during working hours

10 Scenarios 10/22 C RITICAL S ITUATIONS 1.Solvent Machine Leak in USC55 – level -2- S3 2.Solvent Machine transport in PM54 lift 3.Leak during the disconnection of the solvent Machine from the cold box 4.Small like of a pipe/equipment during the running 5.Power cut

11 Thank you for your attention



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