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DLT: I can apply before, during and after reading strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "DLT: I can apply before, during and after reading strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLT: I can apply before, during and after reading strategies.

2  Get your clickers!!!  Remember that your bell ringers are a grade!!!

3  Finish reading chapter 8 on your own.  Before: Connect text (any part) with something happening in the world today.  Be sure to use specific examples. Predict 3 things you think might happen to Ishmael during chapter 8.  During: Jot down occurrences that Ishmael reminisces about his family. Why is this important? What kinds of thoughts help Ishmael gain perspective on his situation? What ideas give him strength?

4 1. How many days does Beah walk alone before encountering people? Comes from Chpt 7 (pg.47) a) six b) two c) nine d) Eight 2. One particular medicine Beah was looking for aided in … a) blend in with the forest b) removing poison c) resist disease d) control snakes 3. What does Beah use in the place of soap when he bathes in the forest? a) candle wax b) bark c) grass d) pea husks 4. What does the medicine Beah's grandfather gives him to drink allow him to do? a) go without water for weeks b) control snakes c) improve his memory d) dance better than anyone else

5  Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting: Ishmael Beah and his heroic traits/journey And Any other character/story that follows the heroic traits/journey  If time permits, you may read in your project books.

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