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“The Great War” 1914 - 1918 The Beginning of the War…

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2 “The Great War” 1914 - 1918 The Beginning of the War…

3 Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

4 The War Begins…. July 28 th, 1914 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Germany declares war on Russia (because of alliance with Austria-Hungary) Germany declares war on France Central Powers v. Allies Most believed war would be short – quickly realized they were wrong…

5 Schlieffen Plan –German Plan –Way to avoid a two- front war against France on West and Russia on East –Germany must defeat France quickly then defeat Russia –To defeat France, Germany had to march through Belgium –Belgium and Britain had a treaty –Britain declares war on Germany

6 The Western Front… Germany versus France, Britain, and Belgium 475 miles (same distance as Danville to San Diego) TRENCH WAR! By early 1915, both sides had built miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire.



9 The Conditions in the Trenches: Water collected in the trench and soldiers could drown, or died of diseases because of rats and flies Soldiers who kept watch in trenches would fall asleep, endangering their lives. Over the top meant to charge into no mans land the area between the trenches (had barbed wire and land mines)


11 Stalemate (deadlock) – neither side was able to gain significant territory in western Europe High casualties Growing sense of disillusionment with war – letters home told of realities of war

12 Eastern Front - Russia V. Germans and Austrians Baltic Sea to Black Sea. Balkan Front - Ottoman Empire V. British and Russian Italian Front - Italy V. Austria- Hungary

13 Eastern Front Italian Front Balkan Front

14 The Industrial Revolution contributed to the invention of new modern weapons


16 ars/wwone/launch_ani_mark_one_t ank.shtml ars/wwone/launch_ani_mark_one_t ank.shtml

17 guns that sprayed burning gas

18 Planes were limited in their fighting capabilities.


20 chlorine gas burns throat and lungs (75 different types ) Created as a defense from poison gas

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