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Actionable Logging For Smoother Operation and Faster Recovery Mandi Walls AOL, LLC June 23, 2008 Velocity 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Actionable Logging For Smoother Operation and Faster Recovery Mandi Walls AOL, LLC June 23, 2008 Velocity 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actionable Logging For Smoother Operation and Faster Recovery Mandi Walls AOL, LLC June 23, 2008 Velocity 2008

2 Actionable Logging What is “Actionable” Goals of logging in production Logging quality information Improving log contents

3 Actionable No nonsense logging Concise, easy to understand Express symptoms of production issues Anything that makes the log needs to be fixed

4 Why It’s Important Expending resources on production systems The point of logging in production Diagnosis of issues The 4am Test

5 Logging Goals Diagnosis and recovery Statistics and monitoring Provide insight into the behavior of the application Indicate potential issues, and areas for improvement Not the same goals as development and QA environments!

6 Types of Logs Access log Server log, i.e., catalina.out Application logs Special use logs for recording specific groups of activities

7 Log File Location Where logs are located on the system should be predictable and obvious It may be helpful to locate logs on different disk partitions but link them back to the app Keep older logs in an obvious place

8 Log File Management Everyone has their own method Roll logs into files with timestamps: – host-01.log.003 vs host-01.log.06202008 Roll all the logs at the same time for a given app to make coordination of events easier Roll when the app needs logs rolled: hourly, daily, weekly Don’t rely on STDOUT or server files that can’t be rolled without a hassle

9 Logging Quality Information Logs should be expressive but not overly verbose Keys to making logs more actionable: – Appropriate Formats – Quality Messages

10 Quality Information: Format Timestamping: what not to do 1213988938:tvdata shows/617/306 1213988939:tvdata shows/618/307 20/130055 err(4) lang-locale “es-us” not found SEVERE: Error listenerStart

11 Quality Information: Format Timestamps that mean something Jun 19, 2008 4:20:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start - - [20/Jun/2008:15:15:58 -0400] "GET /monitors HTTP/1.0" 200 230 0.049909 Good timestamps give context for linking to external events like network outages or traffic anomalies

12 Quality Information: Format Other considerations in log file format include: – Creating a common format for multiple products and log types – Limiting the number of log entries that write to multiple log lines for faster parsing – Deciding how much is too much information

13 Quality Info: Good Messages Here’s some bad messages : [19/Jun/2008:11:14:03][14960.229405][- conn:thread::6] Error: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [19/Jun/2008:11:58:32][32652.67698738][channels_ news] Notice: My gallery : xl [19/Jun/2008:12:03:29][32652.67010608][channels_ games] Notice: 0 [19/Jun/2008:11:58:28][32652.67715090][channels_ money] Error: ViewCounter: APP2 returns statusCode=400, statusText=Invalid request Other things to avoid: messages with only numerical error codes in them

14 Quality Info: Good Messages Here’s some messages that are reasonably helpful: [19/Jun/2008:12:03:30][32652.66764839][channels_ money] Notice: INFO_FEED: moduleId(283403) failed with url= [19/Jun/2008:12:09:52][32652.68059183][channels_ news] Error: can't read "useragent": no such variable One that needs a little tweaking: [19/Jun/2008:00:01:48][15446.36831248][channels_ games] Error: dom parse timeout doc: error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0 "t <--Error-- imeout"

15 Quality Info: Making Messages Useful Misleading severity [19/Jun/2008:11:55:40][20300.704556][- conn:thread::24] Error: [fatal]: APP1: no Published data for: app1_config3, dirpage.index Incorrect severity, particularly of debugging messages left in at production logging levels Not logging anything for fatal errors

16 Improving Log Messages Log at the first point an error is encountered – don’t log a timeout to a backend as a parse error of data expected from the request Messages include the method name and key variables to speed up fixes Suppress anything in the log that isn’t actionable – whether debugging information or chronic issues no one will fix by changing the log level Make checking the logs part of the QA process

17 Log Message Convergence Actively managing, parsing, pruning logs make new errors more obvious Check the logs after every install for new messages that indicate issues or are junk that slipped through into production

18 Things to Avoid in Logs Usernames, passwords, database logins – Provide crib notes for anyone gaining unauthorized access to the system – These are hard to avoid in some environments, particularly if the username is part of the url – User name can be separated from display name to avoid revealing too much in logs

19 How much is too much? A server or application log that has more than 25% of the number of access log entries is a hindrance. Even 10% may be too much in most environments If a single application log has more entries than its corresponding access log, it’s time to have a long talk with development about removing log entries or creating multiple log files

20 Conclusion The log is the first line of information when a problem occurs A production log should be focused on providing information to Operations staff, not for developers When, where, and how messages are logged can help or hinder recovery after a problem

21 Questions and Comments

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