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TEWWG: IRB (Completed Prior to Wednesday’s Mtg) -Ex Cr. Students Only: Annotations (MPs, SPs, Exs, Likes, Dislikes, Think Abouts, Unfamiliars) -4 IRB responses.

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Presentation on theme: "TEWWG: IRB (Completed Prior to Wednesday’s Mtg) -Ex Cr. Students Only: Annotations (MPs, SPs, Exs, Likes, Dislikes, Think Abouts, Unfamiliars) -4 IRB responses."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEWWG: IRB (Completed Prior to Wednesday’s Mtg) -Ex Cr. Students Only: Annotations (MPs, SPs, Exs, Likes, Dislikes, Think Abouts, Unfamiliars) -4 IRB responses (ensure that you refer to the IRB Policy hdt) -Role Assignment work (e.g. Discussion Director brings in 5 thought-provoking and open-ended questions)

2 Edmodo Grade Recovery Example Grade Recovery (typed in top left corner of post) 1.IRB Quote: 2.Issue & Reply: 3.Debate Comparison:

3 Homework *** Prepare for debate *** *** Learning Center Website Work: Problem-Solving Task #1…See Leader for Individual and Group Deadlines  Mon., Oct. 22: Persuasive Speech or Debate Outline Due (from Pros and from Cons) - Find/print at least 3 sources to use to prepare your Outline for the Debate and attach to your outline  Tues., Oct. 23-Wednes., Oct. 24- Benchmark Prep.  Wednes., Oct. 24: Grade Recovery (partial credit for missed Edmodo Entries…See Slide #2)  Thursday, Oct. 25: Benchmark Test (3 rd Per. Will have A lunch) **Week of Oct. 22-25: Peer-Edit Claim/Evidence Paper #3 and Publish-Ready Editing Circles **Week of Oct. 22-25: Midterm Grade Conferences: Bring in Grade Printouts; highlight missed assignments that you’re interested in receiving partial credit  Mon.-Tues., Oct. 29-30: Persuasive Speech or Debate (professional dress)  Randomly-chosen names for IRB and Daily Journal (Lit. Circles Wks 2-6…should have 24 entries by Lit. Circle Mtg 6) Literary Circle/IRB Work  Due Oct. 31: 32 Correctly-completed IRB Journal Entries  Due Oct. 31: Neatly Organized/Typed (except illustrations)/All Work Included for Lit. Circle Meetings 2-8  *** Amber, Katherine, Kadesha: Extra Credit for IRB Annotations: Lit. Circle Mtg #5-Lit. Circle Mtg #8)***  November 8: Meet in Media Center for Research Paper Work: Debate Topic option

4 Claim-Analysis Test A claim states your position on the issue you have chosen to write about. (w/o using I, me, my). →A good claim is not obvious. →A good claim is engaging. →A good claim is not overly vague. →A good claim is logical. DOES YOUR CLAIM PASS THE CLAIM-ANALYSIS TEST?

5 Student-Claims (SP-focus)  When children grow up watching horror movies there are many psychological effects in the form of family life, social interactions and thought processes. My Response: Hummmm, okay… Not too shabby! I’m interested in the way this author is going to prove this...what avenues will be taken to support this claim. Work on crafting this with better word choice(in other words, build up your argument more). Keep chipping Away…Great Start.  The development of robotics is accelerating at a blistering pace; soon robots will be a part of our daily lives just like computers. My Response: Hummmm, okay… needs some fine-tuning. This claim is too vague. Consider specifying a particular area. That would be more interesting and arguable to me. Keep chipping Away…you’re getting there.  With the rise of Coca-Cola products, the beverage industry is slowly evolving into a more competitive market. My Response: Hummmm, okay… this claim has peaked my interest. I’d like to see how this person is going to prove how Coca-Cola products have risen (reword “rise”), and how the ENTIRE industry has become more competitive as a result. Keep Chipping Away at this, though…Great Start!!  Set design is just as important as the actual production. My Response: Hummmm, okay… needs some fine-tuning. This claim is too obvious, and doesn’t engage me. This author needs to build up the argument so that I will care about how the. Keep chipping Away…you’re getting there.

6 Student-Claims (SP-focus)  Cosmetologists are creative artists who make a difference in people’s lives, giving them the confidence and positive energy needed to make a difference in the community. My Response: Hummmm, okay… Much improved. I hear where the author is going with this and I appreciate her leap. Cosmetologists=community-builder… I like it! Work on the diction. Keep Chipping Away at this, though…Much-improved!!  Although there are many acceptable pastimes for teens, there are far too many still finding themselves in trouble. My Response: Hummmm, okay… needs a good bit of fine-tuning. This claim is too vague; it lacks specificity. Further, the author needs to build up the claim in such a way that I’ll be engaged. Upon reading this for a 2 nd time, it reads in an incongruent fashion (acceptable pastimes ≠ too many in trouble. Not sure where you’re going with this. Keep chipping Away…  Playing an instrument helps stimulate brain activity and improves intelligence. My Response: Hummmm, okay… needs some fine-tuning. The author needs to craft this claim using more engaging diction to engage me. Keep chipping Away…Almost!  Is good advertising a direct correlation to increased sales or does the product speak for itself? My Response: Hummmm, okay… much fine-tuning. I can tell where the author is TRYING to go, but the argument is formed using an interrogative, and it needs to be a definitive statement. Rephrase this so that you are building/crafting your argument in a concise and engaging manner. Keep chipping away…

7 Claim/Evidence Requirements Intro. ¶:  attention-grabber (INTERESTING FACT/STAT., anecdote, INTERESTING quote)  Basic 2-3 sent. background summary of the topic  Central assertion/thesis/claim that you are PROVING in your essay Body ¶:  Transitional word or phrase  Topic sentence  Lead in for Evidence (in the form of a Quote or Passage or another form of Concrete Detail  Commentary about the provided evidence Concluding ¶:  A general statement that explains how your central Claim/Argument/Thesis is resolved *Cited Sources (…….) *Included Vocabulary Words from Units 1 & 2 or 3

8 1 Aaleah M.: 2. Amber Hughes: 3. Sunia Ali: Con 4. Elyjah: Pro 5. Desmond: Con Sharon OfeiJade ButlerRoxana: ConTimmia: ConJames: Pro CynthiaBrittany Freeman Marielly: Pro John: ProBen: Con FeurquanAaliyah Dandridge Dijon: ProBlake: conTrevante: Pro Terry: Topic: Tv a Bad influence or not Topic:Topic: Gay Marriage (good choice) Topic: Immigration (good choice) Topic: Foreign Policy 6. Destiny Selina Tyler Matt Topic: College Tuition (good choice)

9 7. Yagor: Pro Taylor: Con Shania: Con Kelsey: Pro Topic: 16 and Pregnant (good choice)

10 1. Paul: Pro2. Joelle: Pro 3. Pharoll: Pro 4. Vlad: Con5. Alex S.: Pro Nik H.: ProKaylynn: ProMohammed :Con Katherine: Pro Ali: Kendal: ProEssence: Con Nick B.: ConRochelle: Pro Janeya Ernie: Con Julie: Con Ra’anna: Con Berry: ProRovid: ConTiaunna Topic: Euthanasia (good choice) Topic: Abortion Topic: Illuminatti real or fake? (good choice) Topic: Gay Marriage (good choice) Topic: 6. Niles: Pro Arynn: Pro Alex M.: Con Nyya: Con Topic:Religion (more harm, than good)

11 7. Stephanie: Pro Kadesha: Pro Sierra: Con Clezze: Con Topic: Immigration

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