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DNA At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: A.Identify the scientists who discovered the DNA structure B.Model and label the basic structure.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: A.Identify the scientists who discovered the DNA structure B.Model and label the basic structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: A.Identify the scientists who discovered the DNA structure B.Model and label the basic structure of DNA C.Describe the process of DNA replication D.Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits E.Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result F.Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture

2 Discovery of DNA WATSON and CRICK WATSON and CRICK In 1953 At Cambridge University in England A.Identify the scientists who discovered the DNA structure

3 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA D eoxyribo N ucleic A cid The hereditary molecule controlling the activities of the cell

4 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA Ladder Rungs: Nitrogenous Bases Side of Ladder: Sugar Phosphate Backbone (A Spiral ladder)

5 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA Sugar Phosphate Backbone Sugar Phosphate Backbone Nitrogenous Base Nitrogenous Base Base Pair Base Pair

6 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA 4 Nitrogenous Bases: (A)Adenine (A)Adenine (T)Thymine (G)Guanine (C)Cytosine ALWAYS Pair

7 B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA Are you with me?? Which of the following has the correct base pair matches? A.A T C C G T T C G G C C B.T T C G G A A C G C C T C.T C G C G A A G C G C T D.C G T A T C G C A A A G

8 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA How do the base pairs connect? Hydrogen Bond Video Clip Video Clip

9 B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA Are you with me? Which of the following lists the scientists, year, and university where DNA was discovered? A.Charles Darwin, 1950, Yale University B.Watson & Crick, 1954, Cambridge University C.Charles Darwin, 1940, Staffordshire University D.Watson & Crick, 1953, Cambridge University

10 Are you with me? Where is DNA located? A.Inside EVERY cell nucleus, coiled in the chromosomes B.Inside only the nucleus of sex cells, coiled in the chromosomes C.Inside the cell, attached to ribosomes D.Inside the cell, attached to the golgi apparatus

11 DNA Structure B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA Where EXACTLY is DNA located?

12 Model DNA B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA You need: 2 licorice 2 licorice 10 toothpicks 10 toothpicks 20 marshmallows (5 of each color) 20 marshmallows (5 of each color) A=Pink A=Pink T=Green T=Green C=Orange C=Orange G=Yellow G=Yellow 1-Get supplies 2- Model DNA according to your worksheet 3-Check off with teacher

13 DNA Extraction B. Model and label the basic structure of DNA

14 DNA Replication C. Describe the process of DNA replication Why would DNA need to be replicated?

15 DNA Replication C. Describe the process of DNA replication What is DNA Replication? Making an exact copy of a DNA molecule

16 DNA Replication C. Describe the process of DNA replication Step #1: Hydrogen Bonds separate base pairs Step #2: New DNA strand attaches Step #3: 2 identical DNA strands are formed

17 Are you with me? C. Describe the process of DNA replication During replication, what ensures that both DNA molecules are EXACTLY the same? A.Sugar phosphate backbone is created the same B.Phosphate bases are dissolve during mitosis C.Base pairs always match. (A’s with T’s & C’s with G’s) D.They aren’t the same, this is how genetic variation is achieved from parent to offspring.

18 DNA Replication Bracelet C. Describe the process of DNA replication In teams of 2… Choose 18 random beads of 4 colors. The beads represent bases, so choose which color of beads will represent which base. Write the key on your lab sheet. EX – A=Yellow, T=Black, G=White, C= Red Slide the beads (bases) onto the pipe cleaner in random order. Select a different pipe cleaner. Select 18 more beads based to MATCH the pattern you created with your first strand. Twist the pipe cleaners together to create the DNA double helix structure. Turn the double helix into a circle creating 1 bracelet.

19 DNA Replication Bracelet C. Describe the process of DNA replication Now copy your DNA bracelet… Untwist your DNA Bracelet Get 2 more pipe cleaners Create a copy for each side of the bracelet (RNA) Twist the bracelets together so you have 2 exact copies


21 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits So… How does a DNA strand become a trait?? Blue Eyes Red Coat Brown Hair BIG Small

22 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits Transcription The process of CHANGING the DNA pattern into messenger RNA mRNA does NOT have Thiamine. (U) Uracil is used instead In Nucleus Video

23 DNA vs RNA C. Describe the process of DNA replication DNA Double Stranded Ladder shaped CoiledRNA Single stranded helix Has Uracil base instead of Thiamine 2 Kinds (mRNA, tRNA)

24 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits mRNA Takes coded information from nucleus DNA to the ribosomes Remember… Ribosomes=protein factories

25 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits Translation Changes mRNA into specific proteins in the ribosome Video

26 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits Codon 3 bases of mRNA Determine order of amino acids

27 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits tRNA Carries amino acids to ribosomes to pair with mRNA Remember: Amino Acids build proteins

28 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits DNA Trait DNA Transcribes mRNA Translation Proteins Produce Traits Video In Nucleus Message to ribosomes At ribosomes mRNA changed to: tRNA Carries amino acids to match with mRNA:

29 D. Describe the steps of translation and transcription in changing DNA into traits Protein=Traits Protein- Determine skin color or coat color Protein-Insulin Lack of insulin=Diabetes

30 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations When a problem exists in the DNA pattern Causes: o o Improper replication o o Environmental damage to DNA sun exposure, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pollution

31 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations Types of mutations: Point Mutation: 1 letter changes The fat cat ate the wee ratThe fat cat ate the wee rat The fat hat ate the wee ratThe fat hat ate the wee rat Deletion: 1 codon or letter is deleted The fat cat ate the wee ratThe fat cat ate the wee rat The fat ate the wee ratThe fat ate the wee rat Insertion: 1 codon or letter is added The fat cat ate the wee ratThe fat cat ate the wee rat The fat cat xlw ate the wee ratThe fat cat xlw ate the wee rat

32 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations Human Diseases: Sickle Cell Anemia Developed as a result of a medication for malaria in Africa Hemophilia Mutation of f8 or f9 gene Protein for coagulation is not produced

33 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations Fainting Goats

34 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations Fuzzy Lop Rabbits

35 E. Describe the effect of DNA mutations and list genetic diseases that would result DNA Mutations Spider Lamb Because the syndrome is a recessive genetic disorder, a lamb is only afflicted if both parents pass on the mutation. So, it is critical to identify carriers of the mutation

36 F. Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture Genetic Technology in Agriculture Transgenic= A plant or animal that contains a gene(s) from another plant or animal.

37 F. Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture Genetic Technology in Agriculture Golden Rice Fortified with Beta Carotene & Vitamin A Prevents anemia

38 F. Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture Genetic Technology in Agriculture Glow Fish

39 F. Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture Genetic Technology in Agriculture Glowing Plant Has gene from firefly

40 F. Debate the use of genetic technologies in agriculture Genetic Technology in Agriculture Round up Ready Corn

41 Bell Quiz: Tell me everything you know about DNA What does it look like? Where is it? What is it’s purpose? Etc….

42 Bell Quiz: 1.Name all 4 nitrogenous bases 2.What type of bond connects 2 base pairs in DNA? 3.Name the scientists that discovered the double helix model of DNA 4.What year was DNA discovered? 5.What are the sides of the DNA ladder made out of?

43 Bell Quiz: 1- What is translation? 2- What is transcription? 3- What is the difference between DNA and RNA? 4- Adenine pairs with__________ 5- Cytosine pairs with__________.

44 Bell Quiz: 1.What is a codon? 2.How does DNA become a trait? 3.What is translation? Where does it take place? 4.What is transcription? Where does it take place? 5.Translate the following DNA strand into RNA: A T C G A T C C G

45 Review 1- Who is Watson & Crick? What did they discover? 2- What is DNA? Where is it found? What does it stand for? 3-What makes up DNA? What does it look like? 4-What would be the complement DNA strand to the following: ATTCGGCTA 5-What would a complement RNA strand look like for the following: ACGAAGCAA

46 Review: 1- What is a codon? 2-What is the difference between the DNA of a mouse and a cat? 3-What do ribosomes do? 4-Where is DNA found?


48 TranscriptionTranslation


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