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Christian Unity Includes a Life of Adoration of The Father Eph 4:1-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Unity Includes a Life of Adoration of The Father Eph 4:1-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Unity Includes a Life of Adoration of The Father Eph 4:1-6

2  There is only one Creator  The Otherness of God  1 Timothy 1:17  He is Incomparable.

3  God as Our Father means we are His family. (God as “Father” mentioned 6x in Ephesians)  You are not an “only child”. You have brothers and sisters.

4  All = Not one is Missing  1 John 3:1 – What manner of love does it take to make you and me His children?  “All” means “all believers,” in the context.

5  Isaiah 46:8-10, God is Transcendent  Psalm 115:3, God is Sovereign. He will do as He wishes.

6  God is Immanent  This means He is inherent or present throughout the universe.  Job 12:10  Acts 17:25,28  Col 1:17, proving Christ is God  Heb 1:3, proving Christ’s Deity  The Father remains within His creation, HOWEVER...

7  God is distinct from His creation.  Psalm 33:13,14 “From... His Place, He looks on... men.”  Romans 11:33,34 His mind is separate from the earth. If you were God, then you would know God’s mind. Our God is through everything on earth, but is separate from that creation..

8  “God is Creator”, the Deist says and stops short of Truth.  “God is in Everything”, the Pantheist says and stops short of Truth. And here, the Bible says God is actively alive in individual believers which believers comprise His family.

9  No One is Left Out – God is in Each  Have you left out, discounted, moved from, forgotten any believers? God is in them!  In You All, Paradox of Psalm 139  Same Paradox of Acts 17 He is so high above all, but so near!

10  2 Corinthians 6:16,18  How He gives you His undivided attention  1 John 4:12  Note that He is not giving you the standard of love, but He is the Standard of Love.  Note that He is not giving you the standard of right, but He is the Standard of Righteousness.  God does not just set the standard of mercy; but rather, He is the Standard of Mercy.


12 Who is Above All And Through All And In You All

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