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How to Flunk Out of College with Grace and Style -Bonnie Titley, Colorado State University.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Flunk Out of College with Grace and Style -Bonnie Titley, Colorado State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Flunk Out of College with Grace and Style -Bonnie Titley, Colorado State University

2 Sit in the BACK of the Classroom! This will immediately indicate a lack of interest in the class and generally a negative ATTITUDE towards school.

3 DON’T read assignments before going to class. This way, you’ll be nicely unprepared to answer questions, and you’ll have no idea what the professor is lecturing about.

4 If you MUST take notes, let reading and studying them pile up until the night before an exam. No sense making more of what the professor says than you have to.

5 Forget to buy your textbooks and ignore suggestions by the professor to do outside reading.

6 Either DON’T go to class at all or go very LITTLE. This way, you won’t be bothered with knowing anything about stuff that might be on exams. And remember: going to class late is NOT at all graceful or stylish. It’s best not to go at all.

7 After cutting a class, be sure to ask the instructor, “Did I miss anything?”

8 Start term papers LATE. In fact, just throw them together. This will guarantee a junior-high level mess, especially if you wait until the night before the paper is due. Also, be sure to hand papers in with coffee rings and jelly stains all over the title page.

9 Utilize the breaks you have between classes to goof off (sleep, socialize, watch T.V., etc.), Thus eliminating any possibility of making good use of your time !

10 NEVER visit with any of your professors during the term. You can thus AVOID getting any valuable information that might help you.

11 IGNORE exam results. Throw them away. If you study them, you might do better next time.

12 You DON’T want to FLUNK OUT of College? Do the opposite! 1. Sit in the FRONT of the classroom. 2. Read assignments before going to class. 3. Take notes: READ and STUDY them EVERY DAY! 4. Buy your books EARLY & Keep up with your reading assignments. 5. Pay attention to your exam results. Study them and/or talk to your instructor about them. 6. GO TO CLASS! Arrive on time or early if possible. 7. NEVER ask an instructor, “Did I miss anything?” 8. Plan ahead! It is easier to write a paper in small portions spread throughout a week or two rather than trying to get it all done in one night. 9. Utilize breaks in your day to study, read, and/or work on assignments 10. Visit your professors on a regular basis.

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