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ALICE Offline Week October 4 th 2006 Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF Online Calibration - Strategy - TOF Detector Algorithm - TOF Preprocessor.

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Presentation on theme: "ALICE Offline Week October 4 th 2006 Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF Online Calibration - Strategy - TOF Detector Algorithm - TOF Preprocessor."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALICE Offline Week October 4 th 2006 Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF Online Calibration - Strategy - TOF Detector Algorithm - TOF Preprocessor

2 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Online Calibration Strategy Determine the relative delays for each TOF channel using the t TOF -t exp spectra Determine the relative delays for each TOF channel using the t TOF -t exp spectra t TOF = time measured by TOF (T0 subtracted!!) t exp = expected time of flight, from TOF geometry, assuming β = 1 and a straight line trajectory Sharp edge expected at the delay value from fastest particles (β ~ 1) No delay, edge @ ~ 0

3 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli t TOF -t exp : a closer look at the edge At GEANT level the edge is very sharp. GEANT Level, no Beam Spread After Detector Smearing and Beam Spread It is then “smeared” by the TOF time resolution and the IP spread along the z direction. Fitting of the edge with a Landau distribution

4 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Peak Width The Peak Width (averaged over many events) depends on the TOF resolution ( σ TOF ), on the spread of the interaction vertex along the z direction ( σ Z,beam ), and on θ The Peak Width (averaged over many events) depends on the TOF resolution ( σ TOF ), on the spread of the interaction vertex along the z direction ( σ Z,beam ), and on θ θ = 45°θ = 90°θ = 135°

5 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Measuring the Edge 1. Fitting of the edge (over an appropriate range) with a function, e.g. a Landau. may not be robust in case of low statistics! 2. Currently using the mean over ~ 320 ps (≈ 4 times σ TOF ) around the edge: edge 2. Currently using the mean over ~ 320 ps (≈ 4 times σ TOF ) around the edge: edge the lower limit of the interval is defined by the first four consecutive bins whose total content exceeds the 1% of the total spectrum entries the lower limit of the interval is defined by the first four consecutive bins whose total content exceeds the 1% of the total spectrum entries

6 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Determination of the Edge: Results Edge position vs channel z position (~ 4000 entries per channel) RMS ~ 16 ps Projection along y-axis (to estimate the uncertainty/channel on the edge determination)

7 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Dependence on the Number of Entries/Channel Fit to 1/  N Uncertainty (RMS) on the time edge vs Number of Entries/Channel Mean Value of the Time Edge vs Number of Entries/Channel (no delay!). Stable within 10 ps.

8 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Dependence of the Measured Edge on the Input Delay Measured Edge (ns)

9 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Dependence on the Number of Events pp Runs, assuming 10 hits on TOF/MB event 4 hours fill, L2 rate = 100 Hz

10 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF DAQ Detector Algorithm (DA) The TOF DA will run on the monitoring machines after the events have been built in the GDCs. The TOF DA will run on the monitoring machines after the events have been built in the GDCs. It will run over whole events, or only on sub-events (i.e. fragments of events – discussed with DAQ team) containing the TOF and the T0 data. It will run over whole events, or only on sub-events (i.e. fragments of events – discussed with DAQ team) containing the TOF and the T0 data. It will run during physics runs, during data taking. It will run during physics runs, during data taking. The output file will be a persistent file which will be “updated” run by run. The output file will be a persistent file which will be “updated” run by run. It will export the output file via the DAQ FES, which will be then processed by the SHUTTLE for calibration. It will export the output file via the DAQ FES, which will be then processed by the SHUTTLE for calibration.

11 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF DA: Software Development The TOF DA being developed in DATE. The TOF DA being developed in DATE. The TOF DA will need ROOT libraries. The TOF DA will need ROOT libraries. At present, the TOF DA framework is stand-alone wrt to AliRoot: dedicated classes are being written reflecting the TOF geometry and RawData decoding. At present, the TOF DA framework is stand-alone wrt to AliRoot: dedicated classes are being written reflecting the TOF geometry and RawData decoding. Better to use AliRoot libraries. Better to use AliRoot libraries. Currently using a TObjArray of TH1C – starting point to test the DA. Currently using a TObjArray of TH1C – starting point to test the DA.

12 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF DA: Test-Benchmarks ~ 160000 (TObjArray of TH1C, nbins = 1500): ~ 160000 (TObjArray of TH1C, nbins = 1500): –size in memory needed: ~ 400 MB (processing) ÷ ~ 800 MB (when writing to a file, but only at the end of run!) –time requirements: Time to access the data not yet estimated, dependent on the type of events (whole events/subevents, type of collisions..). Time to access the data not yet estimated, dependent on the type of events (whole events/subevents, type of collisions..). Histo filling time/hit on TOF = ~ few μs Histo filling time/hit on TOF = ~ few μs –FES space usage: ~ 7 MB to store the TObjArray

13 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF DA: Test-Benchmarks with TH1 TH1CTH1STH1I Memory during processing ~ 500 MB Memory during writing ~ 800 MB Disk space ~ 7 MB Time during writing on a file < 10 s TH1CTH1STH1I Memory during processing ~ 500 MB Memory during writing ~ 800 MB ~ 2 GB Disk space ~ 7 MB ~ 11 MB Time during writing on a file < 10 s ~ 15 s TH1CTH1S TH1I (500 bins) Memory during processing ~ 500 MB ~ 200 MB Memory during writing ~ 800 MB ~ 2 GB ~ 1.6 GB Disk space ~ 7 MB ~ 11 MB 2.4 MB Time during writing on a file < 10 s ~ 15 s ~ 10 s ~ 20(75) kB – 1 TOF pp (PbPb) event ~ 20(75) kB – 3h Data Taking, Rate = 100 Hz: ~ 20 GB

14 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF DA: work in progress Under study the possibility to replace the TObjArray with a TTree with a simple C++ 2D array of chars (short ints/ints) [nbins][160000]: Under study the possibility to replace the TObjArray with a TTree with a simple C++ 2D array of chars (short ints/ints) [nbins][160000]: –less memory needed, less space usage (< 1 MB ÷ ~ 20 MB), easier access in both write and read mode. nbins (both in the case if TH1 and of the C++ array) determined by the maximum relative difference expected between the channels, strongly dependent on the electronics and the hardware components (cables, lengths of the signal lines on the PCBs…): could be substantially reduced firmware (tentative guess: less than 100 bins). nbins (both in the case if TH1 and of the C++ array) determined by the maximum relative difference expected between the channels, strongly dependent on the electronics and the hardware components (cables, lengths of the signal lines on the PCBs…): could be substantially reduced firmware (tentative guess: less than 100 bins). A special thank to Rene Brun...

15 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli SHUTTLE: TOF Preprocessor A TOF preprocessor has been implemented in the Test Suite provided by the Offline Core, both for: A TOF preprocessor has been implemented in the Test Suite provided by the Offline Core, both for: –USER CASE 1: The algorithm (see previous slides) finding the edge of the The algorithm (see previous slides) finding the edge of the t TOF – t exp distribution has been implemented. ~ 1.2 s to process all the ~ 160000 channels. ~ 1.2 s to process all the ~ 160000 channels. The output file (~ 300 kB) is written in $ALICE_ROOT/SHUTTLE/TestShuttle/TestCDB/TOF/Calib/OnlineDelay/ The output file (~ 300 kB) is written in $ALICE_ROOT/SHUTTLE/TestShuttle/TestCDB/TOF/Calib/OnlineDelay/ –USER CASE 4: The algorithm gets input data from DCS, and process them. The algorithm gets input data from DCS, and process them. ~ 1.5 s to process all the 10442 channels. ~ 1.5 s to process all the 10442 channels. The output file (~ 240 kB) is written in $ALICE_ROOT/SHUTTLE/TestShuttle/TestCDB/TOF/Calib/DCSData/ The output file (~ 240 kB) is written in $ALICE_ROOT/SHUTTLE/TestShuttle/TestCDB/TOF/Calib/DCSData/ Currently the DCS map is simulated as suggested in the Test Suite. Currently the DCS map is simulated as suggested in the Test Suite. Dedicated classes written. Dedicated classes written.

16 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF Preprocessor: Reference Data We would like to save the ~ 160000 histos from DAQ as the TOF Reference Data set. We would like to save the ~ 160000 histos from DAQ as the TOF Reference Data set. Size of Reference Data considerably less than Raw Data size (few MB wrt 20 GB  ~ 0.1%, assuming 3h of pp- MB Runs). Size of Reference Data considerably less than Raw Data size (few MB wrt 20 GB  ~ 0.1%, assuming 3h of pp- MB Runs). Stored for the time being in $ALICE_ROOT/TOF/DELAYS/MON/ Stored for the time being in $ALICE_ROOT/TOF/DELAYS/MON/

17 Calibration Session October 4 th 2006Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli TOF: The Calibration GUINEA PIG Online Calibration strategy defined. TOF DA under development, working with DAQ people as well. TOF Preprocessor Algorithm implemented for both User Case 1 and User Case 4. Reference Data and Calibration Object size estimated. Still some studies to optimize both memory and disk space going on. ?

18 ALICE Offline Week October 4 th 2006 Silvia Arcelli & Chiara Zampolli Back-Ups

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