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Welcome to our Travel Agency МОУ «СОШ №6» г.Нефтеюганск, ХМАО-Югра Учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории: Михель Вероника Амировна.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Travel Agency МОУ «СОШ №6» г.Нефтеюганск, ХМАО-Югра Учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории: Михель Вероника Амировна."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Travel Agency МОУ «СОШ №6» г.Нефтеюганск, ХМАО-Югра Учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории: Михель Вероника Амировна Урок-проект для 11 класса (гуманитарный профиль) «Туристическое агентство»

2 Let’s revise the vocabulary: What is English for: -Реклама (продвижение) Tourism promotion/ advertising туризма (2) - Средства рекламы (2) Promotional tools/Means of promotion - Брошюра Brochure - Листовка (2) Leaflet/ Throwaway - Привлечь ч-л. внимание To grab smb’s attention - Убеждать To persuade - Призывать To appeal - Пробудить желание купить To arouse the desire to buy - Использовать изобразительные To use descriptive language средства описания -Обратить особое внимание на To focus on benefits выгодные стороны (путевки)

3 Ways of tourism promotion Print media Newspapers Magazines Brochures Leaflets Throwaways Tour-guides,… Broadcast media Radio Television Web-sites on the internet MailingBillboards

4 “AIDA”- principle  1. Grab a potential tourist’s attention  2. Appeal to the tourist’s self-interest  3. Arouse the desire to buy  4. Urge the client to take action

5 Means of promotional tourism:  A) to use stories, anecdotes and intrigue;  B) to use descriptive language to make holiday destinations sound attractive, - to address the tourist directly, - to focus on the benefits (not features);  C) to offer bonuses, - to use contact information, - your-evaluation of the tour;  D) to make the appeals sound individually, - to use general questions;

6 Keys: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C

7 Questions for the creating tour  1) Are the geographical position and climate of the USA advantageous for sustainable tourism? (Prygina Lena, Yeryomina Mary);  The glimpses of American history – a rich heritage? (Drophich Violetta, Shakirov Edward );  The main cities of the USA – their impact in the economic stability of the country.(Tagieva Jamilya);  A tour around New York. (Plugar Kate, Garmash Dasha, Kozachok Kate);  The evaluation of the tour (Kozachok Kate);  Five Reasons why you should visit this city.

8 Aim:  To study and analyse the country in order to attract tourists.

9 Tasks:  To study and analyse the literature about the country in Russian and English languages;  To find out the advantages of the tour;  To offer a number of the most attractive sights (in our point of view) – in a one-day excursion/ a week excursion;  To evaluate the tour;  To create a tour guide on the country.


11 I feel … Why? Because I … … was (not) bored … worked hard … didn’t relax … answered properly … was active, emotional … fulfilled the task … received a good mark …my speech was (not) fluent enough I’d rather speak slowly/faster/clearly

12 Литература:   1. Воробьева С.А. Деловой английский язык для сферы туризма. Your way to tourism. 3-е изд. – М., Фмломатис, 2006. – 352 с.   2. Кнодель Л.В. Английский язык. Туризм. 10-11 кл.: учеб. Пособие – М.: Дрофа, 2006. – 297с.   3. Письменная О.А. Английский для международного туризма: Учебник. – К: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2006. – 384 с.

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