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Accuracy Vs. Precision Unit 1: Scientific Process Physical Science Steinbrink.

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2 Accuracy Vs. Precision Unit 1: Scientific Process Physical Science Steinbrink

3 What is Accuracy? Accuracy is the ability to get close to a target value Accuracy is making an exact measurement

4 What is Precision? Precision is about how results are grouped or spread or, said in another way, how repeatable the results are.

5 This archer is both accurate and precise. Why? The arrows are grouped close together (Precise) & are on the target (Accurate)

6 This archer is not accurate because he hasn't hit the target however we can say that he is at least precise.

7 The third archer is neither accurate nor precise because his shots are spread out and have landed away from the bullseye overall.

8 Something to think about… You can’t be more accurate than your least accurate measurement.

9 A Review… Accuracy is the ability to get close to a target value Precision is about how results are grouped or spread or, said in another way, how repeatable they are.

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