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How to ensure a local Compact or partnership maintains its currency Compact Voice July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "How to ensure a local Compact or partnership maintains its currency Compact Voice July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to ensure a local Compact or partnership maintains its currency Compact Voice July 2015

2 What is the Compact? A voluntary agreement aiming to foster strong, effective partnerships between public bodies and the voluntary and community sector (VCS) Every government department is signed up to the Compact Has cross party support Applies to England

3 About local Compacts Reinterpret the principles of the national Compact to reflect local circumstances There are around 165 local Compacts across England Signatories are typically the local authority and the local VCS infrastructure body, but can include other organisations Can be established at borough, district or county level

4 What is included in local Compacts? Issues covered by local Compacts include: Funding arrangements Policy and service development Advancing equality VCS independence Volunteering practice Improving cross-sector relationships Photo courtesy of Kevin Dooley via

5 Developing an action plan Shows what is needed from partners to embed the Compact Identify biggest challenges and key goals Organisations should develop their own action plans detailing how to embed Compact principles in their work Develop a short action plan with alongside a three year rolling plan Photo courtesy of Arjun Singh via

6 Establishing a steering group Should include representatives from both sectors Guide the process of creating a local Compact Help embed the Compact in local partnerships Can mediate in local dispute resolution Photo courtesy of Mark Morgan via

7 Compact Champions Raise awareness of the local Compact within their own organisation There are no set requirements for being a Compact Champion Advise organisations on Compact compliance and report non- compliance Share good practice Photo courtesy of Cliff via

8 Case study: Surrey Compact Champions Over 300 Champions from both sectors A dedicated independent support worker facilitates engagement and training Champions promoting importance of prompt payments to voluntary organisations led to increase in payments being made on time - 58% in 2008 to 95% in 2010

9 Communicating about the Compact Give examples of what your Compact has achieved Share intelligence about what’s been achieved in other areas Explain its relevance to particular partners Raise awareness through social networking, newsletters and events An awards event can showcase achievements to a wide audience Photo courtesy of Cosmonautirussi via

10 Evaluating your Compact An evaluation will help you to benchmark where you are, learn what works and what doesn’t, find good practice and identify barriers A short survey can help you identify new local trends Other ways to evaluate your Compact include social networking tools and facilitated evaluation sessions Photo courtesy of EG Focus via

11 About Compact Voice Represents the VCS on the Compact Co-signatories of the national Compact Work to support partnerships across sectors both locally and nationally Support use of the Compact through influencing, sharing positive examples of partnership working in practice, and providing expertise

12 Further Information The national Compact: les/the_compact.pdf les/the_compact.pdf Find your local Compact: Partnership working toolkit: fings-and-guidance/partnership-working- toolkit-voluntary-sector fings-and-guidance/partnership-working- toolkit-voluntary-sector Email Compact Voice for advice and support: or visit the website: Photo courtesy of Mark Morgan via

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