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Student Voice An Ako Aotearoa perspective Student Voice Summit May 2015 Nicholas Huntington; Senior Project/Research Analyst.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Voice An Ako Aotearoa perspective Student Voice Summit May 2015 Nicholas Huntington; Senior Project/Research Analyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Voice An Ako Aotearoa perspective Student Voice Summit May 2015 Nicholas Huntington; Senior Project/Research Analyst

2 Ako Aotearoa is New Zealand’s National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence Through a focus on enhancing the effectiveness of tertiary teaching and learning practices, the Centre will assist educators and organisations to enable the best possible educational outcomes for all learners. Key activities: Supporting research and sharing of good practice. Providing professional development for tertiary educators. Leading strategic discussion and debate. May 2015

3 What is Learner-Centred Tertiary Education? Learners are varied, and value different specific outcomes. Different approaches to teaching and assessment suit different learners (and different disciplines). But all learners value fit-for-purpose education. ‘Purposive’ education. ‘Supportive’ education. ‘Responsive’ education. May 2015

4 Which means… ‘Hearing’ the student voice has to be a key element of a high performing organisation. It ensures teaching meets student needs. Increases quality of learning environment. Greater organisational transparency. Wider contextual benefits (e.g. civic engagement). Leads to better outcomes. May 2015

5 Student Voice in Tertiary Education Settings resources available at: representation-and-quality

6 May 2015 Ako Aotearoa’s goals for the next day Within institutions: Promoting critical reflection on what you currently do (and what you could do). Supporting internal communication and collaboration. Between institutions: Sharing ‘what works well’. Sharing ‘what isn’t working well’. Leading to concrete change

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