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Introduction  Introduce yourself with your name and your agency  Do you consider yourself an advocate for the families you visit?

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction  Introduce yourself with your name and your agency  Do you consider yourself an advocate for the families you visit?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction  Introduce yourself with your name and your agency  Do you consider yourself an advocate for the families you visit?


4 Power and Control How abusers manipulate and control victims : CC oercion & Threats II ntimidation EE motional Abuse II solation MM inimizing, Denying, Blaming UU sing the Children MM ale Privilege EE conomic Abuse

5 Red Flags of Domestic Violence PP hysical Signs: BB roken furniture, damaged walls or doors CC lient’s body language MM enacing actions or expressions from abuser AA busing pets TT hreatening to harm client, children, or pets SS ubtle Signs: NN ame calling, talking down, humiliating client in front of visitors II solation of client, mistrust of outsiders BB laming the client for aggressive behavior TT reating client like a servant NN ot allowing the client to have a job / controlling the finances

6 When to Assess  Build a rapport with the client while looking for red flags.  If there are indications that the client may be at risk for violence, perform assessment (Maybe the 1 st or 2 nd in-home visit).  Remember, client might identify more with feelings than with our terms. (Ex. “Are you afraid that your spouse will harm you?” instead of “Does he intimidate you?”)  If there is a risk for future violence, make referral to emergency shelter or domestic violence program.

7 Why You Should Assess  Client and child safety from future harm.  Federal and State requirements for assessments.













20 Safety Planning  What to do in a violent situation:  Where to go if client decides to leave  Teach children how to contact help  Keep car keys, important paperwork in a safe, accessible place  Talk to trusted neighbors who can contact law enforcement if they hear suspicious noises coming from the home  When preparing to leave:  Keep copies of important documents, keys, clothes, money at a safe accessible place  Open a savings account that the abuser is not aware of  Know a safe place to go when you leave  Staying safe in the home:  Change the door locks and windows or install additional door locks  Install motion lights outside  Inform neighbors that the abuser is no longer living in the home and to call law enforcement if he is observed near the property  Protection Orders:  Always carry a certified copy of the order  Notify law enforcement in the community that there is an order

21  Things to take when leaving or to store in a safe, accessible place:  Driver’s license  Car title  Birth certificates (self and children) / Social Security Cards  Money, credit cards, ATM cards  Spare car & house keys  Medications  Medical/School records, other important paperwork Safety Planning

22  Domestic Abuse Intervention Project.  Chamberlain, L. & Levenson, R. 2011. Healthy Moms, Happy Babies. Futures without Violence. Citations






28 Referrals  Get to know your local DV/SA advocates by name; this makes the referral more personal  Be aware of the services the advocates can assist with. (Emergency shelter, protection orders, emotional support, if they offer counseling or support groups, etc.)  A referral can be made regardless of type of abuse (physical, psychological, financial) as the situation can always escalate.  Make sure it’s safe to leave information with the client before leaving. In the alternative, could you hold the information for her?  The advocate may help the client establish safe place to stay.  As you are building networking relationships with the advocate, remember they can offer you tips on self-care.

29 If someone discloses domestic violence, don’t judge. Everyone knows someone who is currently or has been a victim of domestic violence. Be aware of your body language; victims are hesitant about discussing their abuse and will not disclose if they feel they won’t be taken seriously. Home Visitor & Advocate


31 Team Approach  Where is the local domestic violence center?  Who should I talk to about services for the family?  How can the domestic violence center assist home visitation programs?

32 Developing an MOU  Meeting on a regular basis  Protocol / referral process  Confidentiality agreement  Consistent staffing  Safety planning  Basic needs

33 Boundaries  Providing services to both parents – when she leaves and when she stays  Providing services to the child when custody is shared  Providing services when a Protection Order exists  With the best interest of the child in mind

34  __________________________ (home visitation program) and __________________________  (domestic violence program) will meet with each other once per year to understand the  services currently provided by their respective programs and review referral policies between  agencies.  2) When domestic violence is identified by home visitation, _______________________________  (home visitation program) will review advocacy services available and provide referral to  __________________________ (domestic violence programs).  3) Any home visitor assigned to providing services to pregnant or parenting women at the shelter will complete any/all confidentiality agreements required by the shelter to ensure client safety and to assure that the location of the shelter remain confidential and not shared with ANYONE including friends and family, __________________________ (home visitation program) will take all precautions to ensure victim/survivor safety and assign staff to work with shelter clients that have training on domestic violence.  4) __________________________ (domestic violence agency) and __________________________  (home visitation program) agree to work to the amount feasible to ensure that each family has a consistent staff member assigned to assist them and to minimize the transfer of cases involving domestic violence.  5) __________________________ (domestic violence program) agrees to provide every victim/  survivor seeking services with safety planning (including safety planning for children) and  information on how to meet their basic human needs (such as food, housing and clothing),  including offering to connect her to (home visitation program) as part of a supportive case  management plan.  We, the undersigned, approve and agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in this Memorandum  of Understanding.  _____________________________________ _____________________________________


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