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Inflation “a sustained increase in the general price level” Household income : 10,000/yr Cost of Living: 10,000/yr Household income: 30,000/yr Cost of.

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Presentation on theme: "Inflation “a sustained increase in the general price level” Household income : 10,000/yr Cost of Living: 10,000/yr Household income: 30,000/yr Cost of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inflation “a sustained increase in the general price level” Household income : 10,000/yr Cost of Living: 10,000/yr Household income: 30,000/yr Cost of Living: 30,000/yr 19852015 (focus on whole economy - not one particular industry – it’s possible for individual industry to experience decreasing prices when the economy is experiencing overall inflation)

2 Inflation Target - gov’t has set a target of 2% for inflation – this is deemed the best rate for a stable economy (higher than that and inflation can have negative effects; lower than that can mean a stagnant economy) As prices rise, the value of money falls – the same money can’t buy as much as it used to. The Bank of England is charged with the responsibility of controlling inflation through changes in the interest rate.

3 Measuring Inflation 1.Living Costs and Food Survey – find out what households spend their money on (average basket of goods – approx. 600) 2.Weights Determined – goods that we spend a higher proportion of income on get more importance in the basket 3.Prices Checked – from stores across the UK 4.Weights Applied – price changes multiplied by the weight of that item 5.Total CPI – weighted price changes are totalled to give concumer price inflation

4 Calculating CPI ProductWeightPrice Change Weighted Price Change Fuel10%X+ 20%=+ 2% Food25%X- 10%=- 2.5% Motoring5%X0%= Leisure20%X+ 5%=+ 1% Clothing10%X+ 6%=+ 0.6% Housing30%X+ 5%=+ 1.5% 100%Total CPI:+ 2.6%

5 CPI calculation exercise: Food: +2% Alcohol, tobacco: +6.1% Clothing: -0.5% Housing, utilities: +2.2% Furniture & household: 1.7% Health: +2.4% Transport: +2.5% Communication: +3.4% Recreation: +1.2% Education: +3.2% Restaurants, hotels: +3.0% Misc: +2.3%

6 Product Division% Price ChangeWeight in basketWeighted price change

7 A few definitions: Inflation – in increase in the general price level Deflation – a decrease in the general price level (negative inflation) Disinflation – a decrease in the rate of inflation (eg. Inflation was 2.5% last month and it is now 2%)

8 Other Measures of Inflation RPI – slightly different contents of basket – importantly, includes mortgage interest (CPI does not include mortgage interest payments – this would overstate changes in interest rates made by the MPC) PPI – Producer Price Index – costs faced by producers (a leading indicator of RPI)

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