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Media 30 November 2015 Political Working Group. Law on Audio and Audio-visual Media Services Amendments: to make it less restrictive, more focusing on.

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Presentation on theme: "Media 30 November 2015 Political Working Group. Law on Audio and Audio-visual Media Services Amendments: to make it less restrictive, more focusing on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media 30 November 2015 Political Working Group

2 Law on Audio and Audio-visual Media Services Amendments: to make it less restrictive, more focusing on empowerment instead of fines, threats and punishments; to increase the professionalism of the members of the AVMS-council; to review the current system of fines; to review the funding of the Public Broadcaster; to enhance the independence of the editorial staff and journalists.

3 The AVMS-Council Members will be selected by parliament open call Candidates have to provide a letter of support from one of the following: two non-governmental organisations, a journalist association, two universities active in the areas related to the work of the Council the Union of Journalists The Committee on elections and appointments: technical selection, public hearing final proposal with 2/3 majority submitted to the plenary for final adoption with a 2/3 majority. Members will be appointed for 5 years, renewable once. The members of the Council will be full-time employed. The current competence of the Director to act in case of violation of the Law will be transferred to the Council.

4 The AVMS Director Purely executive position (=CEO): Responsible for the functioning of the Agency (staff management and implementation of decisions from the Council) The director will be appointed by the Council (as is currently the case) with an open call Mandate: 5 years, renewable once

5 Violations In case a possible violation is observed, the Council will: first of all start a dialogue with the involved medium to clarify the details of the violation and the possible reasons causing the violation. This step is also important to correct at an early stage and possibly observed violation. As the result of the dialogue, the Council can issue a warning (depending on the character of the violation). Finally, the Council can decide to fine or take further action in case of misdemeanour.

6 Fines Global ceiling taking into account the average turnover of the medium. The Council has the discretion to decide on the exact height of the fine. The Council will always submit a well-motivated decision.

7 Bylaws and Regulations AVMS The Council will review thoroughly all current bylaws and regulations in order to bring them in line with international standards and to move away from an overly restrictive system.

8 Commercial Broadcasters Program restrictions focusing on the production and broadcasting local content for the commercial broadcasters shall be lifted. Obligations in bylaws on the issues such as the number of personnel to be employed, the height of the studio's etc… shall be removed.

9 Public Broadcaster (MRT) Program Council Shall be established following more or less the same principles as for the AVMS council. Potential candidates can also be supported by cultural organisations. The Program Council should closely follow-up issues such as the editorial independence.

10 Independence In order to make the Public Broadcaster fully independent, the current system of funding needs to be reviewed Basic principle is that the Broadcaster should have: guaranteed funding full independence on how to spend this Funding equal to 1% of annual Budget

11 Programming obligations The current restrictive program-system will be removed.

12 Strategic plan 5-year span and annual action plans, including: all areas of competence such as: HR, renovation and maintenance of buildings, procurement of new equipment (including further digitalisation), the eventual restructuring of channels etc. in order to increase the current market share. Special attention should be given to human resources, as the average age of the employees is 58 years. An urgent transitional plan allowing recruitment of young employees, providing them proper training and replacing the many people that will retire is necessary. In addition, this offers an opportunity for effective restructuring (doing more with less!).

13 Governmental advertising Free governmental advertising both on the public and commercial broadcasters for messages of public interest. (see current Law) Support to the commercial broadcasters: VAT from 18 % to 5%. Remove all overly restrictive obstacles to normal functioning. Solve current problems with copyrights and eventual fees to be paid by cable providers.

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