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| Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu.

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1 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 My Goals for Learning First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Date: August 1997

2 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 First Grade Date: August 1997 Date: September 1997 Student Goals: When conferencing the first week of school, Jenna indicated that she would like to become a better reader and make some new friends. Teacher & Parent Goals for Student: 1.Jenna will improve her handwriting and neatness in daily work. 2.Jenna will improve her fluency and expression when reading aloud.

3 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 Second Grade Date: September 1998 Student Goals: When conferencing with Jenna during the first quarter of the year, Jenna indicated that she would like to work on her spelling and read more frequently. Parent Goals for Student: Jenna’s parents indicated that they would like to see Jenna continue work on her penmanship and spelling.

4 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 Third Grade Date: October 1999 Date: September 1999 Student Goals: I want to become a better writer. I want to become better at speaking in groups. Parent Goals for Student: Jenna’s parents indicated that they would like to see Jenna improve on her math facts and also her organization.

5 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 Fourth Grade Date: September 2000 Student Goals: In 4 th grade I would like to get better at my multiplication tables and also at working with fractions. Parent Goals for Student: Encourage Jenna to do more pleasure reading, and also to read a variety of books. Jenna needs to work on her cursive handwriting.

6 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 Fifth Grade Date: September 2001 Student Goals: This year I want to get better at writing stories and using correct spellings and puctuation—especially commas! Parent Goals for Student: Jenna needs to get more organized and bring home her homework assignments when she does not complete her work at school.

7 | Menu | Reading | Writing | Self-Portrait | Learning Goals |Oral Presentation |Menu Reading Writing Self-Portrait Learning Goals Oral Presentation | Menu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |Menu 1 2 3456 Sixth Grade Date: #/#/## Student Goals: Drag over this writing and student goal(s) will go here. Parent Goals for Student: Information or revisions will go here.

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