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The Global American Response to 911. 14 September 2001 v=x7OCgMPX2mE v=x7OCgMPX2mE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global American Response to 911. 14 September 2001 v=x7OCgMPX2mE v=x7OCgMPX2mE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global American Response to 911

2 14 September 2001 v=x7OCgMPX2mE v=x7OCgMPX2mE

3 The Bush Doctrine

4 Timeline of Events for Today Afghanistan 911 US demands that the Afghan government hand over Bin Laden September 17, 2001 Bush makes “Crusade” comment September 18, 2001 Congressional Vote September 20, 2001 Bush Addresses Congress October 7, 2001 US begins bombing Afghanistan Bin Laden threatens more attacks

5 The Crusade Comment


7 Bush Addresses Congress CSPbzitPL8 CSPbzitPL8


9 Revisiting the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait Outcome

10 Timeline of Events for Today Iraq August 2, 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait 1990-Post-911 UN imposes various sanctions on Iraq one being the monitoring of Iraqi facilities by UN inspectors to prevent Iraq from making nuclear weapons 911 (US moves into Afghanistan 2001) January of 2002 Bush claims Iraq is an “Axis of Evil” September 2002 National Security Strategy “Bush Doctrine” October 16, 2002 Congress votes on Iraq February 5, 2003 Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke to the U.N. Security Council March 19, 2003 May 1, 2003 Bush Claims Victory December 13, 2003 Sadam captured 911 to September of 2002, US claims Iraq is delaying inspections

11 RESOLUTION 1134 (1997) 1. Condemns the repeated refusal of the Iraqi authorities, as detailed in the report of the Executive Chairman of the Special Commission, to allow access to sites designated by the Special Commission, and especially Iraqi actions endangering the safety of Special Commission personnel, the removal and destruction of documents of interest to the Special Commission and interference with the freedom of movement of Special Commission personnel; 2. Decides that such refusals to cooperate constitute a flagrant violation of Security Council resolutions 687 (1991), 707 (1991), 715 (1991) and 1060 (1996), and notes that the Special Commission in the report of the Executive Chairman was unable to advise that Iraq was in substantial compliance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of resolution 1115 (1997); 3. Demands that Iraq cooperate fully with the Special Commission in accordance with the relevant resolutions, which constitute the governing standard of Iraqi compliance;

12 Axis of Evil AALGqKPaT4 AALGqKPaT4 States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred. They could attack our allies or attempt to blackmail the United States. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic.

13 Summary of National Security Strategy 2002 The security environment confronting the United States today is radically different from what we have faced before. Yet the first duty of the United States Government remains what it always has been: to protect the American people and American interests. It is an enduring American principle that this duty obligates the government to anticipate and counter threats, using all elements of national power, before the threats can do grave damage. The greater the threat, the greater is the risk of inaction – and the more compelling the case for taking anticipatory action to defend ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy’s attack. There are few greater threats than a terrorist attack with WMD. To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense. The United States will not resort to force in all cases to preempt emerging threats. Our preference is that nonmilitary actions succeed. And no country should ever use preemption as a pretext for aggression. Countering proliferation of WMD requires a comprehensive strategy involving strengthened nonproliferation efforts to deny these weapons of terror and related expertise to those seeking them; proactive counterproliferation effortsto defend against and defeat WMD and missile threats before they are unleashed; and improved protection to mitigate the consequences of WMD use. We aim to convince our adversaries that they cannot achieve their goals with WMD, and thus deter and dissuade them from attempting to use or even acquire these weapons in the first place.

14 October 16, 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Expresses support for the President's efforts to: (1) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and (2) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion, and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions. Authorizes the President to use the U.S. armed forces to: (1) defend U.S. national security against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq. Directs the President, prior to or as soon as possible (but no later than 48 hours) after exercising such authority, to make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that: (1) reliance on further diplomatic or peaceful means alone will not achieve the above purposes; and (2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization for use of the armed forces, consistent with requirements of the War Powers Resolution.

15 CNN Timeline December 7, 2002 - Iraq submits a 12,000 page report on its WMD programs. January 16, 2003 - Inspectors discover 12 chemical warheads, 11 of them empty. January 20, 2003 - After two days of negotiation, Hans Blix, Mohamed ElBaradei, and Iraqi officials reach an agreement about Iraqi cooperation and concessions regarding the inspections.Mohamed ElBaradei February 5, 2003 - Secretary of State Colin Powell briefs the U.N. Security Council.Security Council. Blix reports that the inspectors have not yet found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Blix also reports that Iraq is in violation of U.N. resolutions concerning its al Samoud 2 missile program.Secretary of State Colin Powell

16 UN Inspecting October 6, 2004 - The final Iraq Survey Group report is released. The report concludes that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction.

17 Powell Addresses the UN t5RZ6ukbNc t5RZ6ukbNc

18 Shock and Awe 7iorfwcmeY 7iorfwcmeY

19 The Statue April 9, 2003 kr22f_MTOM kr22f_MTOM

20 Bush Declares Victory May 1, 2003 zrJwzYBUkU zrJwzYBUkU

21 Closure How did the US commit troops to Afghanistan and Iraq? Was the US justified?

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