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Presentation on theme: "COMBATING TERRORISM AND MAJOR TERROR CRIMES PREVENTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXECUTIVE SUMMERY ORGANIZATION  With all the corruption and un orderly conduct is what started terrorism where nothing is at any ones expectations and becomes no longer a feeling of safety and is now a critical condition for our people and society ecpecaily our families constantly feeling at risk of our children, homes, security and identity by corruption.  ORDER  Order is needed and there is nothing to fear for drastic changes, with all entities and organizations can renew and combine to be true honest order with out fear. We need to feel safe in our lives for our families, this organization is planned to run for all your security needs and trust in your own high land security and leaders of operations, and will be committed to combatting terror and preventing it, military/officials/ agents will be sent out and respond and act immediately to any ones safety concerns with out any hesitations whether it is corruption or a fear of any life threats no matter who it is and will combat above the rest before the spread and keep it as prevented for what fears a family or life.

3 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OPERATION Terrorism is here and they are using our children, using extreme torcher, excuses are they are beautiful people that they use to do this, or well dressed, low income, people involved they all took bribes who are doing this corrupted officials all for fathers violence, racketeering, stolen identity, what theses people are doing is world SICK for power control, ecpecaily on families trying to do better for themselves, or already do better, as they try to rule over educated, public policy, and well off families, by lying, intimidating, tricking them etc. Which causes fear and disaster.  Derivatives good sense is what we need with out it the world is corrupted and here is where it has started. We need World Order cause with out order and organization we will be ruled by corruption and security wont exist for any one.  Goal  This organization is needed and will be needed to expand continuously and to set us up all around the world starting with Saskatchewan, to combat terror and organized crime against humanity and our children who suffer the most, and innocent families who are being intiminated by corruption. This organization will be set up so we only work with selected trusted sources, using our derivatives. This organization will be the liaison of other entities, 240. However it will be set up to rely on our own and on reports and evidence. For trusted quality combat servicing, and for the reason of corruption, we will act as one, rather than work with most entities. We will create are own all in one for secure and accurate consequence.

4 BUILDING PLANNING The building will be designed for laboratories, telecommunications, programming, criminal Investigation units, board room, training, research, supply rooms, weapons room, administration and resources. And all necessaries for quick response, and investigation in quick time, following all good Judgment. Criminal investigation Bio chemistry Forensic lab med lab


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