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1777-1789 “What kind of government will we have?” Defining Nationhood and the Constitutional Crises of the 1780s.

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Presentation on theme: "1777-1789 “What kind of government will we have?” Defining Nationhood and the Constitutional Crises of the 1780s."— Presentation transcript:

1 1777-1789 “What kind of government will we have?” Defining Nationhood and the Constitutional Crises of the 1780s

2 Articles of Confederation Successes: Won the war Land Ordinance of 1785 NW Ordinance of 1787 Treaty of Paris Weaknesses: Congress could not enact and collect taxes. Congress could not regulate interstate or foreign trade. Each state had only one vote in Congress, regardless of population. Nine out of 13 states needed to agree to pass any law. The Articles could be amended only if all states approved. There was no executive branch to enforce laws of Congress. There was no national court system to settle congressional law disputes.

3 The Land Ordinances Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Provided for the orderly and systematic settlement of western lands –Provided for small rural communities to have public institutions –Provided requirements for statehood within the territories

4 Map 7.1 The Confederation and Western Land Claims (p. 199)

5 The Old Northwest, 1785–1787

6 Annapolis Convention 1786 Only 5 states sent reps to Annapolis, MD Madison and Hamilton convinced others another convention needed to be held in Philadelphia Congress asked states to appoint delegations to Philadelphia

7 Shays’s Rebellion - 1786 Shays' Rebellion was an insurgent movement led by Daniel Shays during 1786-1787 in western Massachusetts. Daniel Shays Fears generated by Shays' Rebellion helped to convince states to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention that met in Philadelphia in 1787. Constitutional Convention Source: ABC clio database.

8 Shays’s Rebellion

9 Constitutional Convention of 1787 55 delegates, 12 states Well-educated, wealthy men Presiding officer - Washington Behind closed doors Some notable figures - absent (Jefferson, Adams, John Jay, Patrick Henry)

10 Representation: Two Plans New Jersey Plan –Small states –Equal representation not based on population Virginia Plan –Large States –Representation based on population

11 James Madison Virginia Plan Father of the Constitution Most prepared of the delegates Kept precise notes of the proceedings

12 The Great Compromise The Connecticut Plan (aka the Great Compromise) Solved the biggest dispute of the Convention –Upper House (Senate) equal representation –Lower House (House of Representatives) proportional representation

13 The Great Compromise

14 Other Compromises Slavery - 3/5 compromise - Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation Trade - Commercial Compromise - Congress could regulate interstate and foreign trade Chief Executive - term of office? (4 yrs) (feared too strong of a central leader), electoral college - same number of representatives and senators from each state had an ‘electoral’ vote (feared too much democracy) Ratification - called for 9 of the 13 states for acceptance

15 Ratification Submitted to states for approval on Sept. 17, 1787 Fierce debate followed Federalists vs. anti-Federalists Ratified in June 1788 by 9 states Virginia, New York (two major states - #10 & #11 to ratify) The Bill of Rights was one of the first orders of business for the new Congress –Fulfilled promise to protect individual liberties to the skeptical anti-Federalist factions in key states

16 Map 7.2 Ratifying the Constitution of 1787 (p. 208)

17 Ratification

18 Federalists vs. Antifederalists Federalists –Favored Ratification –Favored stronger central government –Washington & Madison (VA), Hamilton (NY), John Jay, Franklin (PA) –Published 85 essays called “The Federalist Papers” defending and explaining the Constitution –More organized Antifederalists –Opposed ratification –Feared strong central government –Patrick Henry and George Mason (VA), John Hancock, George Clinton (NY) –Feared government abuse of individual rights –Called for a specific “Bill” of Rights –Less organized

19 Federalist Papers John Jay James Madison Alexander Hamilton Series of Essays published in a NY newspaper Brilliant explanations of Constitution

20 The Federalist Papers

21 Signs and Seeds of Political parties These divisions led to the beginnings of political parties NOT formal organizations (yet) Washington and others feared these “factions”

22 Evolution of Major Parties

23 Federalist & Antifederalist Strongholds, 1787–1790

24 Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments to the Constitution Listed basic “natural” rights A compromise to gain Anti-federalist support Madison drafted them

25 The Bill of Rights

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