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The New Deal.  Forging a New Deal 2  A. New Deal  1. FDR’s program of relief, recovery, and reform  B. Restoring the Nation’s Hope  1. “The Only.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal.  Forging a New Deal 2  A. New Deal  1. FDR’s program of relief, recovery, and reform  B. Restoring the Nation’s Hope  1. “The Only."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal

2  Forging a New Deal 2

3  A. New Deal  1. FDR’s program of relief, recovery, and reform  B. Restoring the Nation’s Hope  1. “The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself”  2. Fireside chats  C. The First Hundred Days  1. FDR pushed Congress to pass legislation to improve the economy by providing relief, creating jobs, and stimulating the economy. 3

4  D. Closing the Banks  1. Closed all banks for four days “bank holiday”  2. Emergency Banking Act authorizing the government to inspect the financial health of all banks  3. Americans regained confidence  4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)  a. Secure money in banks  b. $5,000.00 – today $100,000.00 4

5  E. Providing Relief and Creating Jobs  1. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)  a. FDR put money into public works programs  b. Government funded programs to build public facilities  c. Civil Works Administration (CWA) – roads, parks, airports  d. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – forests, beaches 5

6  F. A helping hand to Business  1. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)  a. Stabilize industrial prices  b. National Recovery Administration (NRA) – industry codes for regulating wages, working conditions, production, and prices  c. Public Works Administration (PWA) - bridges  d. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – regulates the stock market 6

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9  G. Saving Homes and Farms  1. Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC)  a. Refinanced, or reshaped the terms of mortgages  2. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)  a. Subsides – government financial assistance  H. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)  1. Cheap electricity, flood control, and recreation 9

10  I. Eleanor Roosevelt  1. Had to travel due to FDR’s disability  2. Reported on conditions in the country 10

11  A. New Deal Personnel  1. Brain Trust – informed group who devised policies  2. Women held cabinet positions  3. African Americans held policy-making positions  B. The New Deal Falters  1. FDR’s programs were attacked by the Supreme Court  2. (NIRA) and (AAA) ruled unconstitutional 11

12  A. Second New Deal  1. Critics wanted legislation to help ordinary Americans  2. Social welfare, unions, taxes on rich  B. New and Expanded Agencies  1. Works Progress Administration (WPA)  a. Playgrounds, schools, and hospitals  2. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)  a. Tenant/Sharecroppers  b. Migrant workers 12

13  C. New Labor Legislation  1. Wagner Act setup National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)  a. Unions, banned child labor, minimum wage  D. Social Legislation  1. Social Security Administration (SSA)  a. Old-age pensions and survivor benefits  b. Unemployment insurance  c. Aid for dependent children, the blind, and physically disabled  E. Election of 1936  1. Electoral votes 523-8 – Roosevelt wins 2 nd Term 13

14  The New Deal’s Critics 14

15  A. Preference was given to men and boys  B. Women –disadvantage  1. Failed to protect domestic workers  C. African Americans  1. Programs reinforced racial segregation  2. FDR refused to support anti-lynching laws because he did not want to offend powerful Southern Congressmen 15

16  A. New Deal Does Too Much  1. Republican criticized New Deal as being Socialists  2. American Liberty League – limited individual freedom  B. New Deal Does Not Enough  1. Socialists/Progressives claimed New Deal did not do enough to re-distribute wealth  C. Demagogues  1. Deceptive leaders who manipulates people with half- truths  2. Father Charles E. Coughlin, priest and radio host  3. Huey Long – Louisiana politician distribution of wealth 16

17  A. Court-Packing Scheme  1. Attracted greatest opposition  2. FDR was frustrated by a Supreme Court that had invalidated New Deal programs and progressive state laws 17

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19  Last Days of the New Deal 19

20  A. Short-term economic improvement was the result of massive government spending.  B. Recession of 1937  1. Reduced consumer spending  2. FDR cut back on expensive relief programs because he was worried about the rising national debt  a. National debt – total amount of money the federal government has borrowed and has yet paid back 20

21  A. Under the New Deal, labor unions were legalized and grew stronger.  1. Wagner Act increased membership – legalized collective bargaining  B. Era of Strikes  1. Sit-down strikes were so successful that the Supreme Court outlawed them 21

22  A. Literature  1. Pearl Buck’s novel The Good Earth  2. John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath  B. Radio and Movies  1. Escape the gloom of the Depression  2. Comedy and Soap Operas  3. Technicolor – Wizard of Oz  4. Walt Disney – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs  C. The WPA and the Arts  1. WPA funds supported unemployed artists 22

23  D. Lasting Achievements  1. A restored sense of hope  2. Buildings, dams, and bridges  3. SEC, TVA, FDIC, and Social Security 23

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