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School Management SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryPlaygrounds and Athletic FieldsProficient DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective The playgrounds.

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Presentation on theme: "School Management SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryPlaygrounds and Athletic FieldsProficient DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective The playgrounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Management SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryPlaygrounds and Athletic FieldsProficient DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective The playgrounds and athletic fields are extremely well maintained, clean, and safe. The playgrounds and athletic fields are well maintained, clean, and safe. The playgrounds and athletic fields need some attention, but for the most part are maintained, clean, and safe. The playgrounds and athletic fields require significant attention in respect to maintenance, cleanliness, and safety. Observations and Comments:Considerations: The playgrounds were well maintained, clean, and safe. The custodial team should consider checking the playgrounds and fields on a daily basis for trash and other debris. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

2 School Management SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryClassroom AppearanceProficient DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective Seven out of seven classes visited were clutter free and organized for optimal learning. Four to six of the seven classes visited were clutter free and organized for optimal learning. One to three of the seven classes visited were clutter free and organized for optimal learning. None of the seven classes visited were clutter free and organized for optimal learning. Observations and Comments:Considerations: A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

3 School Culture SchoolAreaOverall Rating PangbornVisual Representation of Behavioral ExpectationsDistinguished ProficientBasicIneffective All seven of the classes visited had school- wide, student behavior expectations posted in a highly visible location. Four to six of the seven of the classes visited had school-wide, student behavior expectations posted in a highly visible location. One to three of the seven of the classes visited had school- wide, student behavior expectations posted in a highly visible location. None of the seven of the classes visited had school-wide, student behavior expectations posted in a highly visible location. Observations and Comments:Considerations: Throughout the school building, student behavior expectations were displayed in highly visible locations. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

4 School Culture SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryExemplary Student WorkDistinguished ProficientBasicIneffective Exemplary student work is displayed in seven out of seven classes visited. Exemplary student work is displayed in four to six of the seven classes visited. Exemplary student work is displayed in one to three of the seven classes visited. Exemplary student work is displayed in none of the seven classes visited. Observations and Comments:Considerations: Exemplar student work was displayed throughout the school. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

5 School-Wide Instructional Leadership SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryDifferentiated InstructionBasic DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective Students were grouped flexibly to ensure attention to both their learning similarities and differences from peers in seven out of seven classes visited. Students were grouped flexibly to ensure attention to both their learning similarities and differences from peers in four to six of the seven classes visited. Students were grouped flexibly to ensure attention to both their learning similarities and differences from peers in one to three of the seven classes visited. Students were not grouped flexibly to ensure attention to both their learning similarities and differences from peers in any of the seven classes visited. Observations and Comments:Considerations: Differentiation was documented in lesson plans. Explore more opportunities to differentiate instruction. In classes with multiple adults, consider ways to maximize instructional opportunities and promote differentiation. Limit teacher talk. Consider differentiating learning experiences based on student knowledge and skillsets. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

6 School-Wide Instructional Leadership SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementaryStudent-Centered ExplorationProficient DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective Students were provided multiple opportunities to explore ideas and apply knowledge in seven out of seven classes visited. Students were provided multiple opportunities to explore ideas and apply knowledge in four to six of the seven classes visited. Students were provided multiple opportunities to explore ideas and apply knowledge in one to three of the seven classes visited. Students were not provided multiple opportunities to explore ideas and apply knowledge any of the seven classes visited. Observations and Comments:Considerations: Students were observed working in various learning stations. Higher-level questions were being asked by the teacher. Student conferencing was occurring in classes. Turn and talk used effectively. Students were generating their own math problems and compare them with each other. Seek learning opportunities that are not whole- group focused. Consider differentiating learning experiences that promote the exploration of ideas. Attempt to accelerate transitions to maximize learning time. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. ©mmarkoe

7 School Vision, Mission, and Goals DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective When asked, seven out of seven students were able to identify key terms related to the school’s vision. When asked, between four and six of the seven students were able to identify key terms related to the school’s vision. When asked, between one and three of seven students were able to identify key terms related to the school’s vision. When asked, none of the seven students were able to identify key terms related to the school’s vision. A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn Elementary Students’ Understanding/Support of the School’s Vision Proficient Observations and Comments:Considerations: Most of the students questioned possessed a firm understanding of the school’s vision. An understanding of the school’s vision guides all stakeholders efforts in the pursuit of learning, leading, and teaching. Consider reading the vision statement daily on morning announcements. ©mmarkoe

8 School Vision, Mission, and Goals DistinguishedProficientBasicIneffective The school improvement plan identifies goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frames are established in all of the following areas: Framework for Teaching implementation Implementation of Maryland College and Career Ready Standards. Student Achievement as reflected on the Maryland School Assessment Student Achievement as reflected on MAPs Student Attendance Student Suspensions The school improvement plan identifies goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frames are established in four to six of the following areas: Framework for Teaching implementation. Implementation of Maryland College and Career Ready Standards. Student Achievement as reflected on the Maryland School Assessment Student Achievement as reflected on MAPs Student Attendance Student Suspensions The school improvement plan identifies goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frames are established in one to three of the following areas: Framework for Teaching implementation Implementation of Maryland College and Career Ready Standards. Student Achievement as reflected on the Maryland School Assessment Student Achievement as reflected on MAPs Student Attendance Student Suspensions The school improvement plan does not identify goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frames are established in any of the following areas: Framework for Teaching implementation Implementation of Maryland College and Career Ready Standards. Student Achievement as reflected on the Maryland School Assessment Student Achievement as reflected on MAPs Student Attendance Student Suspensions A lifetime of excellence begins at Arête Schools. SchoolAreaOverall Rating Pangborn ElementarySchool Improvement PlanProficient Observations and Comments:Considerations: It is evident that the leadership team has developed a comprehensive school improvement plan to guide their efforts at the school. Consider including goals that specifically address increasing student attendance. ©mmarkoe

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