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Setting up the perfect Log Book

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1 Setting up the perfect Log Book
Science Project Setting up the perfect Log Book

2 Science Project It is a composition book that contains EVERYTHING about your science project Your log book is the journal or diary of your science project It should be with you every step of the way from start to finish of the science project

3 Science Project You should use blue or black ink only in your log book
Don’t worry about it being typed It should be neatly written so it is able to be read

4 Science Project Begin by neatly printing
your name, your school, and your grade on the front cover of your log book

5 Science Project If your log book has an information area on the inside neatly fill in that information as well This will get the log book back to you should you be separated!

6 Science Project Next number the pages
Number each page front and back in the bottom corner closest to the outside edge

7 Science Project The first blank page will have the title of your project neatly printed on it Don’t worry about that now since you don’t even have a topic yet. It will be filled in later before you turn your project in to me

8 Science Project The second blank page will become the table of contents That way the reader will be able to quickly read about any part of your science project without paging through the whole log book

9 Science Project Fill in your Table of Contents. Then label your tabs and place them on each of these pages. Page 3…Research Page 43.. Experimental Design Page 73.. Daily Notes and Reflections Page 113..Data Tables Page 153..Results Page 183..Recommendations

10 Research Contains information gathered from texts and other sources.
Minimum of 5 sources, and a minimum of 4-5 facts per source

11 Experimental Design List of materials and procedures.

12 Daily Notes and Reflections
Written observations of each day and/or trial. These observations should be QUALITATIVE!!! (words- not numbers. Use 4 senses)

13 Data Tables Quantitative data and information gathered from the experiment. (ex. Height, mass, temperature, etc. MUST BE IN A DATA TABLE FORMAT) Be sure to include units of measurement!

14 Results Summary of what happened in the experiment. Includes both qualitative and quantitative data. (Must answer #1-2 on page 29 in project book)

15 Recommendations Reflections on your experiment
(Write the answers to #1-5 on pages of your workbook)

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