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Click to edit Master title style Charity Commission regulatory review 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Charity Commission regulatory review 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Charity Commission regulatory review 1

2 Introducations Ben Ward – Union Director Manchester SU Charlie Cook – General Secretary Manchester Jacqui Clements – CEO Warwick SU James Brooks - CEO Lincoln Hayley-Jayne Wilkinson – President Lincoln 2

3 Welcome to our world You get this email…. What would you do? 3

4 Context History of SU status Legal remit of the Charity Commission 4

5 Preparation Briefing of Trustees All documentation and some London Met. Briefing of Student Trustees and Sabbaticals Briefing of All Trustees 5

6 Poacher turned gamekeeper If you were the Charity Commissioner – what would you ask Student Union’s? 6

7 What really happened? 7

8 Charitable Objects The objects of the Union are the advancement of education of Students at the University for the public benefit by: –promoting the interests and welfare of Students at the University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students; –being the recognised representative channel between Students and the University and any other external bodies; and Power of Trustee all detailed in Articles section 5 8

9 9 History of SU -Be forthcoming and transparent – they already know E.g Manchester: On campus tensions relating to plaque supporting Palestine's right to Education, legal challenge, outcomes - It is important you know the history of your SU and you can inform the Charity Commission of what has happened since registering as a Charity. E.g. Lincoln: 1 st July 2012 TUPE of Staff and CEO Beforehand no policy existed, worked using University policies Last 2.5 years Board been structuring SU and bringing in policies Robust CEO and Trustee recruitment process based on relevant skills

10 Trustees 10 External Trustees recruited to skills matrix to bring relevant professional oversight to organisation. Student Trustees elected (Lincoln) /appointed (Manchester) cross campus Governance review assessing skills of the Board Sub committee requirement for External Trustee involvement Regulations around Officer Trustee involvement Remuneration recommendations followed

11 Elections Sabbaticals (& students) – term length Code of Conduct How and when elected NUS Returning officers Complaints processes Adhering to Education Act 1994 11

12 Continuity of Board External Trustees Student Trustees Incumbency for Sabbatical officers Directors and CEO Board Administration Documentation and archives 12

13 Relationships Scheme of Delegation Policy Approvals – very important. –Trustees put policy in place to protect organisation and themselves! Trustee Board approval CEO Reports CEO email updates Approval of Ops plans and budgets by Board Relationship with institution – supporter or influencer? 13

14 Conflicts of interest Policy in place Recurring agenda item Identify, decide, record – golden rule(s) Paperwork available 14

15 Risk management Trustee role – to review annually and receive reports of rejected speakers Risk register – when is it reviewed and updated Quality Assurance - safeguarding, external speaker processes, risk assessment etc Audit and Risk committee University and Union Relations Committee (Mcr) 15

16 Campaigning activity Checks and balances: Operational plan, Board approval CEO advice Sports and Societies funding Political Activity policy How can you justify funding activity that is political? Clear interests in particular activity 16

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18 Affiliations and Platforms No platform policy Safe Space Policy Political affiliations and candidacy External speaker sign off 18

19 Relationship with NUS Advice, support, but separate 19

20 Lasting impressions How all the Union’s visited felt afterwards in the cold light of day. 20

21 Outcome It is evident that the Charities visited during this programme have a legacy of sound governance processes which have been updated to reflect the change of status to a non- exempt charity regulated by the Commission. As such, for the majority of the Charities, the embedded policies and procedures are both valuable and beneficial to support internal governance. 21

22 It was evident that the Charities have regular trustee board meetings and various sub- committees which feed and supplement information reported to the board. The Commission takes the view, based on the explanations provided and the information reviewed, that the Charities visited can be characterised as having sound processes and governance structures in place to protect them from harm. 22

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