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Early Career Internal Review Measurement of Double DVCS using SuperBigBite Spectrometer Nuclear Physics Alexandre Camsonne.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Career Internal Review Measurement of Double DVCS using SuperBigBite Spectrometer Nuclear Physics Alexandre Camsonne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Career Internal Review Measurement of Double DVCS using SuperBigBite Spectrometer Nuclear Physics Alexandre Camsonne

2 Early Career Internal Review Executive Summary/Abstract Measure Double DVCS in muon channel at high luminosity Muon channel allows to increase luminosity since muons can go through large amount of materials Build a bulk Micromegas Laboratory for R&D for muon detector Use 2D shower profile to discriminate between pion and muons using Micromegas readout 1 plane 2m x 1m with 10 cm lead Reuse SuperbigBite magnet, GEM chambers and Hadron calorimeter and add 3 layers of materials and 2D trackers with Neutron detector lead wall

3 Early Career Internal Review Specific Scientific Aims Better constrain GPDs by having data at xi different from x Allow easy interpretation of the data by having muons in final state Can use as base for muon ID for larger acceptance detector –CLAS12 –SoLID

4 Early Career Internal Review Sampling calorimeter Prototype of hadron calorimeter using the Micromegas technology for Hadron Calorimeter for EIC with Annecy IN2P3 laboratory 1 m3 detector with 40 layers of iron/micromegas Most cost in readout electronics

5 Early Career Internal Review Research Impact and Benefits Summarize the impacts and benefits of your proposed research to: Jefferson Lab Measurement of Double DVCS in muon channel Micromegas lab for maintenance and R&D, alternative to GEM with fast turn around Nuclear Physics (and other project offices if applicable) Micromegas licence : production of detector size up to 55 cm x 70 cm Office of Science Detector R&D, reduce cost of detector with industrial partner

6 Early Career Internal Review Resources Needed Summarize the resources which you will need for the project Your time 50 % If applicable, 3 month/man Designers, 1 month/man Engineers, 7 month/manTechnicians, 5 year post-docs and 5 year graduate students from ODU CEA Saclay : 10 m x 10m Clean room with machines Machine shop : manufacturing detector support Staging area for mounting and testing detector

7 Early Career Internal Review Schedule and Milestones M : Milestone20142015201620172018 R : resultQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Machines order 340K Clean room setup 133K Training 3 people 181 K Production 3 people 253K262K428K250K SRS readout 100K HV 156K Small Micromegas prototype 10K Large Micromegas 205K Detector support design Detector support construction 81K Beam in Hall A DVCS A1n Tritium PREX SBS starts Test parasitic, low luminosity Run dedicated experiment Ready to take data Man power : 1.4 M$ Supplies / detector : 1.1 M$

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