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1 Mobility for IPv6 [MIP6] November 12 th, 2004 IETF61.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mobility for IPv6 [MIP6] November 12 th, 2004 IETF61."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mobility for IPv6 [MIP6] November 12 th, 2004 IETF61

2 2 Agenda 1.Preliminaries (bluesheets, minute takers, agenda bashing, document status) : 5 min, Chairs 2.WG Status Update Chairs10 Mins Auth-ID status discussion 3.MIP6 Operation with IKEv2 and the revised IPsec Arch. 20 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-ikev2-ipsec-00.txt Vijay Devarapalli 4.Using IPsec to protect signaling between MN and CN 10 Mins Care-of address test procedure using a state cookie I-D: draft-dupont-mipv6-cn-ipsec-01.txtFrancis Dupont 5.AAA and Mobile IPv6 20 Mins I-D: draft-giaretta-mip6-aaa-ha-goals-00.txt I-D: draft-yegin-mip6-aaa-fwk-00.txt Giaretta Gerardo/Alper Yegin 6.MIPv6 Authorization and Configuration based on EAP 10 Mins I-D: draft-giaretta-mip6-authorization-eap-02.txt Giaretta Gerardo

3 3 Agenda (Contd) 7.Application Master Session Key (AMSK) for Mobile IPv6 5 Mins I-D: draft-giaretta-mip6-amsk-00.txt Giaretta Gerardo 8.Diameter Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping App. using PANA 15 mins I-D: draft-jee-mip6-bootstrap-pana-00.txt I-D: draft-tschofenig-mip6-bootstrapping-pana-00.txt Junghoon Jee, Hannes Tschofenig 9.Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping Architecture Using DHCP 15 Mins I-D: draft-ohba-mip6-boot-arch-dhcp-00 Yoshihiro Ohba 10.Bootstrap Control Function mechanism for MIP6 Bootstrap 10 Mins I-D: draft-deng-mip6-bootstrap-bcf-00.txt Hui Deng 11.Precomputable Binding Management Key Kbm for MIPv6 5 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-precfgkbm-01.txt Charles Perkins 12.Improvement of Return Routability Protocol 10 Mins I-D: draft-qiu-mip6-rr-improvement-00.txt Jianying ZHOU

4 4 Agenda (Contd) 13.Next StepsChairs5 Mins Time permitting 1. Multihoming in MIP6 I-Ds: draft-montavont-mobileip- multihoming-pb-statement-02.txt, draft-ernst-generic-goals-and- benefits-00.txt Nicolas Montavont 2. Load Balance for Distributed Home Agents in Mobile IPv6 I-D: draft-deng-mip6-ha-loadbalance-02.txt Hui Deng

5 5 Document Status AD Review 1.Extension to Sockets API for Mobile IPv6 2.MIP6 RO Security Design Background WG LC Completed 1.MIP6 Firewalls problem statement 2.MIP6 MIB has been reviewed – To be submitted for AD review Nov 15 th.

6 6 MIPv6 & FW draft-ietf-mip6-firewalls-00.txt Has completed WG Last Call Several comments have been submitted It has been suggested to add additional scenarios that can present new issues – e.g. MN moves from outside a firewall to inside Some additional issues have also been pointed out and suggested to be included in the draft – e.g. RRT messages being dropped at the firewall Editorial suggestions to clarify the description of the problems Issues are tracked at: New version will incorporate the comments and the agreed modifications

7 7 MIP6 MIB Status Updated I-D draft-ietf-mip6-mipv6-mib-05.txt MIB-Doctor review pass-1 completed Comments/Suggestions are taken care of MIB-Doctor review pass-2 ongoing

8 8 TAHI Test Suite Status TAHI Project will release the newest test suites at Dec. 10th. conformance tester ver.3.0 interoperability test scenario ver.3.0 Features: fully support RFC 3775/3776 fully support IPsec (manual key configuration) URL:

9 9 Next Steps Publish revised Auth and Identifier IDs and go to WG LC Take up the transition problem statement I-D draft-tsirtsis-dsmip- problem-03.txt as WG document Revise charter to deal with privacy as per discussion at Bar BoF

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