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Fuji Test Beam Line commissioning Y.Sudo Univ. of Tsukuba.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuji Test Beam Line commissioning Y.Sudo Univ. of Tsukuba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuji Test Beam Line commissioning Y.Sudo Univ. of Tsukuba

2 Room for test beam @Fuji B3 We can control currents of magnets from this room. Network is ready.

3 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 position of magnets and monitors ( Fuji strait section ) Trigger counter Target + rate monitor Electron monitor(strip scintillator ) 10/11 at 18:00 Magnets are turned on with 3.0GeV/c. 10/12 at 11:00 HER started injection of beam. Beam shutter lead-glass counter

4 This stage is able to move only vertically. Controller of the stage Concrete block Beam line Beam shutter

5 Result of last week and plan HER 700mA, LER 1200mA We observed beam ~ 30Hz. Beam energy looks constant. (according to oscilloscope) When shutter is closed, rate of the beam goes down 0Hz. Plans of this week Measurement of correlation between beam intensity and - HER current - condition of the vacuum correlation of intensity between upper side of shutter and lower side Measurement of beam profile with electron monitor. Adjustment of magnets adjust currents of B2-4 between -1% and +1% Pulse shape of lead-glass counter

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