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CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation. Base Table and View Base Table Stored on disk View Virtual table Records are not stored on disk Query is stored.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation. Base Table and View Base Table Stored on disk View Virtual table Records are not stored on disk Query is stored."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation

2 Base Table and View Base Table Stored on disk View Virtual table Records are not stored on disk Query is stored Records are generated when requested Looks like a table The users don’t know the difference 2

3 Horizontal views (a subset) Create View HotelsOfGlasgow as Select * From Hotel Where Name = 'Glasgow'; Desc HotelsOfGlasgow select * from HotelsOfGlasgow; Drop View RoomsInHotel; 3

4 Vertical View (Projection) Table Schema Booking (Hotel_no, Guest_no, Date_from, Date_to, Room_No) Create or replace view HotelBooking as Select Hotel_no, Room_No, Date_from, Date_to From Booking; -- Cannot use Create or replace for tables 4

5 Horizontal and Vertical View Create or replace view BookingOfGlasgow as Select Room_No, Date_from, Date_to From Booking Where Hotel_No in ('H05', 'H28'); 5

6 Horizontal and Vertical View -- using view HotelsOfGlasgow Create or replace view BookingOfGlasgow as Select Room_No, Date_from, Date_to From Booking Where Hotel_No in (Select Hotel_No From HotelsOfGlasgow); 6

7 Views based on grouping -- must give names to aggregate functions -- and all fields when one aggregate -- function exists. Create or replace view RoomsInHotel (Hotel_no, Room_Count) as Select Hotel_no, Count(*) From Room Group By Hotel_No; 7

8 Using Views in Queries Create or Replace View HotelG As Select Hotel_No From Hotel Where Name = 'Grosvenor'; Select * From Room Where Hotel_No in HotelG; ERROR at line 3: ORA-00904: "HOTELG": invalid identifier 8

9 Using Views in Queries Create or Replace View HotelG As Select Hotel_No From Hotel Where Name = 'Grosvenor'; Select * From Room Where Hotel_No in (Select * from HotelG); -- works if one value from the view Where Hotel_No = (Select * from HotelG); 9

10 Sub-Queries -- List guests who don’t have any bookings during -- April 2005. Select * From guest Where guest_no Not IN (Select Distinct guest_no From booking Where date_from <= '30-Apr-05' and date_to >= '01-Apr-05'); 10

11 Using View -- List guests who don’t have any bookings for -- April 2005. Create or Replace View BookingApril2005 as (Select guest_no From booking Where date_from <= '30-Apr-05' and date_to >= '01-Apr-05'); Select * From guest Where guest_no Not IN BookingApril2005; ORA-00904: "BOOKINGAPRIL2005": invalid identifier 11

12 Using View -- List guests who don’t have any bookings for -- April 2005. Create or Replace View BookingApril2005 as (Select guest_no From booking Where date_from <= '30-Apr-05' and date_to >= '01-Apr-05'); Select * From guest Where guest_no Not IN (Select * From BookingApril2005); 12

13 Using WITH With BookingApril2005 as (Select guest_no From booking Where date_from <= '30-Apr-05' and date_to >= '01-Apr-05') Select * From guest Where guest_no Not IN (Select * From BookingApril2005); Must have () for the With sub-query 13

14 Outer Join -- List guests who don’t have any bookings during -- April 2005. Select G.* From guest G Left Join Booking B on G.guest_no = B.guest_no and date_from <= '30-Apr-05' and date_to >= '01-Apr-05' Where B.guest_no is null; 14

15 Database System and File System Views in a File System? 15

16 Database Views Look like base tables Used in queries the same way as base tables Insert? Delete? Update? 16

17 Insert/Delete/Update Views -- View based on group Create or Replace view RoomsInHotel(Hotel, Room_Count) as Select Hotel_no, Count(*) From Room Group By Hotel_No; Insert into RoomsInHotel Values ('H11', 5); -- should insert 5 records into Room with 'H11' -- which 5 rooms? -- RNo (part of PK) not specified. -- Cannot do it! 17

18 Assignmet 9 Any Questions? 18

19 Phase III Any Questions? 19

20 Schedule Assignment 10 Start Friday Quiz 4 Friday May 1 Test 2 Wednesday, May 6 Phase IV Friday, May 8 Final Exam Thursday, May 14 7 PM (Group #10) 20

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