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Water Levels GROUP 2 Mina Zirlott Nidia Selwyn Christopher Edgar Melissa Lau Yusong Liu Please fill in the check-list in the next slides and sent the completed.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Levels GROUP 2 Mina Zirlott Nidia Selwyn Christopher Edgar Melissa Lau Yusong Liu Please fill in the check-list in the next slides and sent the completed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Levels GROUP 2 Mina Zirlott Nidia Selwyn Christopher Edgar Melissa Lau Yusong Liu Please fill in the check-list in the next slides and sent the completed ppt file back to me; add all the changes needed to your presentation Make sure you responded correctly ALL the questions.. Do not change the name of this file, except for your group number instead of XX.

2 #QuestionsAns.Sug. 1How many students in your group 55 2How many contributed to the Assignment 55 3Are the names listed on the first slide? yes 4Is the title typed in the first slide? yes 5How many papers you have read for your presentation? 3+3 6How many Figures in your presentation?40+40 7How many of those were your own creation? 295 8Are ALL of those that are not your own properly cited? yes 9Are they cited in the same slide where they appear? yes 10All slides have Figures (except for matlab programs) ?yes 11Do ALL Figures help to understand your message? yes 12Any animations in your presentation? yesyes/no 13How many Tables in your presentation? 3any # 14How many are your own creation? 1any # 15If any of them is not yours, are they cited in the same slide yes 16Do you have a general introductory section yes 17Do you have a Methodology/Formalism section? yes 18Did you include your matlab program(s) in your ppt file? yes Check List (respond all questions)

3 #QuestionsAns.Sug. 19Is the program in a format that can be copy/paste to matlab? yes 20Are the data ready to c/p to matlab? yes 21Are examples or results from your programs in your ppt? yes 22Are the programs properly documented yes 23All programs were done by you? yes 24Did you improve the quality of the paper you selected yes 25Did you write the conclusions? yes 26How many slides you did33>20 27Are the slides suitable to view on a PC/laptop? yes 28Are you using fonts min = 10pt and max = 18pt? yes 29Did you use efficiently the landscape? yes 30Did you write your conclusions yes 31Did you suggest future work in your topic to improve further? yes 32Is the text inside figures of similar size as the typed text?yes 33Are ALL of your Figures of high qualityyes 34Are ALL features readable & distinguishable in all slidesyes 35Did you include slide numbers in your ppt?yes

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