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LAB: 4 Culture of microorganisms from environment

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1 LAB: 4 Culture of microorganisms from environment

2 - Microorganisms are found throughout the environment
- Microorganisms are found throughout the environment. For better study of these microorganisms pure culture is needed. Pure culture: a single kind of microorganism growing alone in a protected environment. There are two methods used widely for preparation of pure culture from mixed population. 1. streak plate method. 2. pour plate method.

3 Streak plate method ( Quadrant plate)
This method is used for the isolation of pure culture of bacteria from mixed population e.g. sputum, urine, stool or from pus of infected wound or abscess.

4 Technique of Streak plate method :
Sterilize the loop in a benzene flame, cool it and streak the specimen over an area-A. Re-sterilize the loop, cool it, then streak over an area-B from the distal part of area-A. Continue the streak in the same manner for areas C and D. Incubate the plates at 37°C for 24 hours.


6 A subculture is done after 24 hours incubation from one of the colonies needed for study on a sterile medium following the same technique mentioned previously. The culture produced is a pure one. coli                                     

7 Pour plate method -This method involved serial dilution of specimen and mixed with melted media. Then pour the content into sterile plate plates.

8 Cultural characteristics:
Cultural characteristics involve both : 1. Growth requirement. 2. Colonial morphology. It is used to study the macroscopic characteristics of a pure culture on a solid medium.

9 Colonial morphology The following points have to be considered in describing a colony: 1. Size: measured by mm.

10 2. Shape: rhizoid ,circular, filamentous, irregular.


12 3. Elevation: flat, convex, raised, umbonate.

13 4. margin: entire lobulated ,filamentous

14 5. Consistency: dry, mucoid.

15 6. Surface texture: rough, smooth.

16 7. Color or pigmentation.


18 8. Optical density : opaque, translucent, glistening.

19 9. changes in the inoculated medium e.g heamolysis.
10. Odour : bad or sweat musty odour.

20 Stock culture :- Means preservation of a microorgansim in a culture medium for future study. It can be kept usually for 1 month at 4 °C.

21 Technique of stock culture:
Use a universal bottle containing medium in slanted position ( to provide a wide surface for inoculation and good nutrition). Using a sterile loop inoculate the surface of the medium with one or few colonies of a pure culture. Incubate the inoculated medium at 37 °C for 24 hours, then store at 4 °C.

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