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Tuesday 2/2 RAP How did you study for the test? Today: Unit 1 test Political Polarization.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 2/2 RAP How did you study for the test? Today: Unit 1 test Political Polarization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 2/2 RAP How did you study for the test? Today: Unit 1 test Political Polarization

2 Today Unit 1 Test –Name –Unit 1 Test (title) –Form letter ( ex. A or B) –Number straight down the page –Use capital letters please –Turn in on my desk and put in correct pile Pick up handout on podium –Political Polarization –Read the primary sources and answer the questions on the back.

3 Thursday 2/4 RAP Which party did you most self-identify with? Why? Today: CE Review Ch. 5 –Create political party

4 Friday 2/5 RAP –At this time are you registered to vote and if so, are you voting in the primary? Today: –Review Ch. 5 Political parties –Work on Ch. 6 voting

5 Feb 22, 2016 Voter registration deadline for Presidential Preference Election Feb 24, 2016 Early Voting begins for Presidential Preference Election Mar 22, 2016 Presidential Preference Election Aug 1, 2016 Voter registration deadline for Primary Election Aug 3, 2016 Early Voting begins for Primary Election Aug 30, 2016 Primary Election Oct 10, 2016 Voter registration deadline for General Election Oct 12, 2016 Early Voting begins for General Election Nov 8, 2016 General Election

6 What is Satire? –Can you give any examples? Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, and/or publically criticizing (usually topical issues) someone or something. Political Satire is when the “joke” is on something to do with our political arena. –It is important to be able to recognize it and understand it is Satire. Examples: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Saturday Night lives’ news segment, The Onion, and South Park. South Park uses Satire to make “fun” of all types of prejudice, ignorance and everything political.

7 Political Parties Political parties help to ensure that the government is aware of the views of the people.

8 Definition: A group of people with broad common interests who organize to win elections, control gov’t and influence government policies.

9 One-Party System Usually found in nations with authoritarian governments.

10 Multi-Party System Countries where voters have a wide range of choices.

11 Two-Party System Government in which two major parties compete for power.

12 What is America?

13 Party Symbol: Republican During the midterm elections in 1874, Democrats tried to scare voters into thinking President Ulysses S. Grant would seek to run for an unprecedented third term. Thomas Nast, a cartoonist for Harper's Weekly, depicted a Democratic donkey trying to scare a Republican elephant - and both symbols stuck. For a long time, Republicans have been known as the 'G.O.P.' with party faithful believing it meant the 'Grand Old Party.' But apparently the original meaning (in 1875) was 'gallant old party.' When automobiles were invented it also came to mean, 'get out and push.' That's still a pretty good slogan for Republicans who depend every campaign year on the hard work of hundreds of thousands of everyday volunteers to get out and vote and push people to support the causes of the Republican Party.


15 Party Symbol: Democrat The donkey first appeared as a symbol for the Democratic Party in the 1830s when the Democrat Andrew Jackson was President. –The donkey continued in American political commentary as a symbol for the Democratic Party thereafter. Thomas Nast built upon this legacy and used his extraordinary skill to amplify it. For a time, the rooster also served as the symbol of the Democratic Party, but gradually the donkey replaced it in popular usage after the 1880s. Nast first used the donkey as a symbol for the Democratic Party in "A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion" published January 15, 1870, in Harper's Weekly to comment on Northern Democrats (nicknamed Copperheads) dealings with Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War."



18 Third Party Any party other than the two major parties. Also referred to as a minor party.

19 Types of Third Parties Single-Issue Focuses entirely on one major social, economic or moral issue. Ex. The Right to Life party

20 Types of Third Parties Ideological Party Focuses on an overall change in society rather than one issue. Its views are generally extreme. Ex. The Communist Party

21 Types of Third Parties Splinter Party Splits away from one of the major parties because of a disagreement. Ex. The Bull Moose Party of 1912 ( The Progressive Party of 1912 was an American political party. It was formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt, after a split in the Republican Party between himself and President William Howard Taft. Roosevelt boasted "I'm fit as a bull moose," after being shot in an assassination attempt prior to his 1912 campaign speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.)

22 Amazing as it may seem Most of the important minor parties in our nation's history have been splinter parties.

23 Third Party Impact 1.Third parties can draw votes away from the major parties. 2.They promote ideas that were at first unpopular or hotly debated. Minor parties take clear cut stands on controversial issues

24 Third Party Obstacles 1.Getting on the ballot 2.Campaign finance 3.Image

25 Ross Perot Ran for president 1992. He was a Texas industrialist and ran as an independent. He never served as a public official. In certain polls, Perot led the three-way race with Republican nominee George H. W. Bush, the incumbent President, and Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, the Democratic nominee. He dropped out in July 1992 amid controversy, but reentered in October, and surpassed the 15% polling threshold to reach his goal of participating in all three presidential debates. Despite an aggressive use of campaign infomercials on prime time network television, his polling numbers never fully recovered from his initial exit. On Election Day, Perot appeared on every state ballot as a result of the earlier draft efforts. He won several counties and finished in third place, receiving close to 19 percent of the popular vote, the most won by a third-party presidential candidate since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912.

26 Ross Perot 1992

27 Ralph Nader: Presidential campaign history 1972 1992 1996 2000: In the 2000 presidential election in Florida, George W. Bush defeated Al Gore by 537 votes. Nader received 97,421 votes, which led to claims that he was responsible for Gore's defeat. "In the year 2000, exit polls reported that 25% of my voters would have voted for Bush, 38% would have voted for Gore and the rest would not have voted at all." 2004 Political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney. Areas of particular concern to Nader include consumer protection, humanitarianism environmentalism, and democratic government.

28 The future for the Reform Party, the Green Party and other "third parties" in the American system One or both of the two major parties is bound to "steal" their issues, incorporate them into their platforms and absorb their supporters into their ranks. The declining success of the Reform Party is due in large part to the fact that both the Republicans and Democrats have taken up the core issues championed by Ross Perot in 1992--balancing the budget and reforming the federal government. The Reform Party, consequently, no longer holds an obviously unique position on the issues that attracted so many voters in 1992.

29 Now let's look at some other national parties. When we are finished I will have you check to see if you can identify different parties.

30 GOP-“Grand old Party” or “Gallant old party” American Party (“Know-Nothings”) (1854 - 1858)American Party Constitutional Union Party (1860)Constitutional Union Party National Union Party, (1864 - 1868)National Union Party Liberal Republican Party (1872)Liberal Republican Party Greenback Party (1874 - 1884)Greenback Party Anti-Monopoly Party (1884)Anti-Monopoly Party Populist Party (1892 - 1908)Populist Party National Democratic Party (1896 - 1900)National Democratic Party

31 New Deal/Fifth Party System (1932–1964) American Workers Party (1933 - 1934)American Workers Party Workers Party of the United States (1934 - 1938)Workers Party of the United States Union Party (1936)Union Party American Labor Party (1936 - 1956)American Labor Party America First Party (1944) (1944 - 1996)America First Party (1944) States' Rights Democratic Party (“Dixiecrats”) (1948)States' Rights Democratic Party Progressive Party 1948 (1948 - 1955)Progressive Party 1948 Vegetarian Party (1948–1964)Vegetarian Party Constitution Party (United States 50s) (1952-1968 ?)Constitution Party (United States 50s) Puerto Rican Socialist Party (1959 - 1993)Puerto Rican Socialist Party Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (1964)Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

32 Progressive Era/Fourth Party System (1896–1932)Social Democratic Party (1900 - 1901)Social Democratic Party Home Rule Party of Hawaii (created to serve the native Hawaiian agenda in the state legislature and U.S. Congress) (1900 - 1912)Home Rule Party of Hawaii Socialist Party of America (1901 - 1973)Socialist Party of America Progressive Party 1912 (“Bull Moose Party”) (1912 - 1914)Progressive Party 1912 Non-Partisan League (Not a party in the technical sense) (1915 - 1956)Non-Partisan League Farmer-Labor Party (1918 - 1944)Farmer-Labor Party Progressive Party 1924 (1924)Progressive Party 1924 Communist League of America (1928 - 1934)Communist League of America

33 Later 20th century Communist Workers Party (1969 - 1985) People's Party (1971 - 1976)Communist Workers Party People's Party U.S. Labor Party (1975-1979)U.S. Labor Party Citizens Party (1979–1984)Citizens Party New Alliance Party (1979 - 1992)New Alliance Party Populist Party 1990's (1984 - 1994)Populist Party 1990's Looking Back Party (1984 - 1996)Looking Back Party Grassroots Party (1986-2004)Grassroots Party Independent Party of Utah (1988-1996)Independent Party of Utah Greens/Green Party USA (1991-2005)Greens/Green Party USA Natural Law Party (1992 - 2004)Natural Law Party

34 In your notes Choose the proper party designation for the following parties. Major party Single issue Ideological Splinter

35 National Party Name Democratic National Committee major Grassroots Party Splinter (from green) Greens/Green Party ideological

36 National Party Name Libertarian Party Splinter (from republican) American Nazi party Ideological Pot Party Single Issue

37 National Party Name Prohibition Party Ideological; began as single issue Puritan Party ideological Republican National Committee major

38 National Party Name Socialist Party USA ideological Young Socialists Splinter/ideological Progressive Labor Party Single issue

39 Political Party functions What they do 1.Recruiting candidates 2.Educating the public 3.- publish platform (what the party stands for) 1.Planks –individual ideas 4.Operating the Government patronage (those people that support the government) 5.Government “watchdog”

40 Party Identification

41 How to start a political party The rules differ depending on where you live, but in general all you have to do to start a political party is 1.gather enough signatures. 2.Once you've got your signatures, you just have to number the pages, 3.have a witness sign the bottom of each one, 4.and then bind the whole package "by any means which will hold the pages together in numerical order."

42 5.Send the thing to the State Board of Elections, and voilà! 6.Of course, you'll need a name for your party. 7.You'll also need a logo or emblem. –If you send in your petition without a party name and logo, the board may pick them on your behalf. Let’s look through a list of US Political parties

43 Political parties in the USA Here is some of the political parties we have in the US today.

44 Creating your own political party 1.gather enough signatures. (30) 2.Once you've got your signatures, you just have to number the pages, 3.have a witness sign the bottom of each one, 4.and then bind the whole package "by any means which will hold the pages together in numerical order."

45 5.Send the thing to the State Board of Elections, and voilà! 6.Of course, you'll need a name for your party. 7.You'll also need a logo or emblem. –If you send in your petition without a party name and logo, the board may pick them on your behalf.

46 Now begin… With a group of three or four, please create your political party… You must: Come up with a 1.Party name 2.Platform 3.Symbol for the party -- illustrate 4.Gather enough signatures (30) but in our class 10 5.Witness to sign each page 6.Number each page 7.Bind the pages (staple) 8.Send to state board (Gipson in this case)

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