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Handoff Support Tool Emily and Jon. Visualization Pipeline Data selection (what data should be used?)  Based on prior research and interviews with subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Handoff Support Tool Emily and Jon. Visualization Pipeline Data selection (what data should be used?)  Based on prior research and interviews with subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handoff Support Tool Emily and Jon

2 Visualization Pipeline Data selection (what data should be used?)  Based on prior research and interviews with subject matter experts a handoff support tool should: Have tools and data to enable it to be used as a complete shift management tool Contain current and historical data in a “handoff mode” that allows structured, easy to understand information that facilitates communication from one person to the next Data to visual mapping (how is this data visualized?)  Visualizations must take into account a busy environment filled with interruptions  Visualizations must recognize the already overwhelming demand on memory and other cognitive resources in a hospital environment

3 Visual Variables Position Mark Size Brightness Color

4 Visual Variables Position  Location of pain on the body  Location of event mark on timeline Mark Size Brightness Color

5 Visual Variables Position Mark  Used to distinguish between events  Thermometer Size Brightness Color

6 Visual Variables Position Mark Size  Area of pain  Length of timeline Brightness Color

7 Visual Variables Position Mark Size Brightness  Intensity of pain Color

8 Visual Variables Position Mark Size Brightness Color  Pain  Temperature  Test status (complete vs. incomplete)

9 Pain



12 Add event


14 Time passes…

15 Play button is selected and first event in timeline is displayed Handoff mode

16 Playback advances to next event in timeline Information is provided sequentially and visually in addition to verbally to maximize retention by recognizing cognitive constraints Handoff mode








24 Future research questions… What are the tradeoffs between brightness and hue when visualizing information?  For example, this could be useful for representing the pain position in a more meaningful way Should different symptoms be portrayed in different colors? Should all be in red? What kinds of decision support need to be built in? What types of information/fields can be auto- populated?

25 Future research questions… Would users prefer a customizable dashboard?  For example, could they minimize some patient information in order to focus on others? What are the best icons?  A lot of further research could be done just to determine what icons are most meaningful and useful How should handoff mode progress?  What could control this process instead of the play button?  What would be most intuitive and useful to the nurses?

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