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Chris Bailey June Webinar: How to Transfer Large Volumes of Small Files at Accelerated Speeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Bailey June Webinar: How to Transfer Large Volumes of Small Files at Accelerated Speeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Bailey June Webinar: How to Transfer Large Volumes of Small Files at Accelerated Speeds

2 Agenda The Problem: Transferring large volumes of small files Test Case Alternatives Other Complementary Features Questions | © Copyright FileCatalyst, 2013 2

3 The Problem: Transferring Large Volumes of Small Files Each file needs set up/teardown FTP sends PASV command followed by STOR command Fine with large files, but with many small files it takes too long Introduce latency and it is even worse | © Copyright FileCatalyst, 2013 3

4 Test Case 37,000 files, 900 directories FileZilla – Takes too long to wait for! FileCatalyst HotFolder with Single Archive option – finishes quickly | © Copyright FileCatalyst, 2013 4

5 Alternatives Zipping it yourself in manual, need to unzip other side What if one file changes? Send it all again | © Copyright FileCatalyst, 2013 5

6 Other Complementary Features Transfer cache – detects what has changed File system monitoring | © Copyright FileCatalyst, 2013 6

7 Questions?

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