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1 New Enhanced Collaboration Workspace Pilot Initiative for 2006 ITSC Status Update Sally Waselik 02-Dec-2005.

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1 1 New Enhanced Collaboration Workspace Pilot Initiative for 2006 ITSC Status Update Sally Waselik 02-Dec-2005

2 2 New Enhanced Collaboration Workspace Pilot Initiative for 2006 Background ● In response to the feedback at the ITSC Collaboration Workshop, an initiative was developed and recommended to the Board. ● By developing and implementing a robust, collaborative tool suite and collaborative strategy, the way IEEE does business will change dramatically. ● Business processes will become more efficient ● Users will be able to communicate and collaborate much more easily and seamlessly across the enterprise ● Members will see greater value for their membership through significantly increased networking opportunities via presence ● IEEE will be able to make better use of its increasingly virtual workforce as well as its virtual volunteer force

3 3 11-Step Collaboration Strategy Plan Source: Forrester Research

4 4 10-Step Collaboration Strategy Plan Step 1 – Define and scope collaboration We need to define our project team and begin to outline what collaboration means to make sure that all known and relevant business problems are included in the scope (goals, needs, requirements, etc.) Generally speaking – collaboration includes: Messaging (email calendaring, contact management) Team Collaboration (document repository, basic library services, basic workflow, discussion threads, lightweight project management, online communities) Enterprise Instant Messaging (web conferencing, instant messaging/chat, presence awareness, application and desktop sharing, white boarding and voice over IP) Other (wikis, blogs, portals, enterprise telephony systems, enterprise search, mobile computing, in room video conferencing, eLearning, decision support tools, polls and surveys, e-commerce, database creation, and integration with the IEEE Member database)

5 5 10-Step Collaboration Strategy Plan Step 2 – Gather Input on Collaboration Requirements and Trends Need to define a formal process of gathering input from people in various functions, levels, departments, roles, etc., throughout IEEE Goal – A solid understanding of the business strategy, business requirements, end user requirements, obstacles in the current environment, nature of the desired environment Need to agree on the process, who need to be involved, how to outreach, how to structure the pilot and other mechanisms to gather input (in person interviews, surveys, focus groups, Industry analysts/benchmarking data and insight, etc.) Need to understand the cultural implications

6 6 10-Step Collaboration Strategy Plan Step 3 – Document Guiding Principles for Collaboration Strategy Need to outline guiding principles that help us keep priorities in line and assists with the vendor selection process. Examples of these principles are: Business oriented (information is a resources to be shared, collaborated on, enriched, etc.) Technology oriented (use of web services whenever possible, open source where it makes sense, reuses investments we have already made as much as possible, scalable, secure, etc) People oriented (ease of use, integrates the way they collaborate, enables social networking, etc.) Step 4 – Inventory current collaboration environments Need to outline our current “reference architecture” What activities/capabilities are currently underway across the IEEE? examples: online communities, open source bulletin boards, Computer Society community discussions, etc.

7 7 New Enhanced Collaboration Workspace Pilot Initiative for 2006 Where do we go from here? Confirm members of the ITSC subcommittee for Collaboration Set-up meeting this month to review a high level project plan and define the approach to gather requirements Participate in the Computer Society 2-day workshop on communities Share project plan etc at 13-Jan-2006 ITSC call Others?

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