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What is a wave? Waves are rhythmic disturbances that carry energy through matter or space A medium is the material through which a wave travels.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a wave? Waves are rhythmic disturbances that carry energy through matter or space A medium is the material through which a wave travels."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a wave? Waves are rhythmic disturbances that carry energy through matter or space A medium is the material through which a wave travels

3 Types of Waves TransverseCompressional

4 Transverse Waves Waves in which the medium moves at right angles to the direction of movement Examples: water waves, some types of earthquake waves, radio waves, microwaves, light waves

5 Parts of a Transverse Wave Wavelength: the distance between a point on one wave and the identical point on the next wave Amplitude: the distance from the crest (or trough) of a wave to the rest position of the medium; depends on the amount of energy carried by the wave

6 Parts of a Transverse Wave, cont. Crest: the highest point of a wave Trough: the lowest point of a wave crest trough

7 Wave Measurements The frequency of a wave is the number of wave crests that pass a certain point each second Frequency is expressed in hertz (Hz) One hertz is the same as one wave per second

8 Wave Measurements, cont. Wave velocity, v, describes how fast the wave moves forward Wave velocity can be determined by multiplying the wavelength and frequency velocity = wavelength X frequency Velocity is measured in m/s Wavelength is measured in m Frequency is measured in hertz

9 velocity wavelength frequency Wave Triangle λ f v

10 Compressional Waves Waves in which matter vibrates in the same direction as the wave Examples: sound waves, some types of earthquake waves

11 Parts of Compressional Waves Compression: the crowded (more dense) area of a compressional wave Rarefaction: the spread out (less dense) area of a compressional wave Wavelength: consists of one complete compression and one complete rarefaction; the distance between two compressions or two rarefactions of the same wave

12 Parts of a Compressional Wave Rarefaction Compression

13 Wave Measurements The frequency of a compressional wave is the number of compressions that pass a certain point each second

14 What is Sound?

15 Wave Motion Michael Offutt

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