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Staffing involves: l Matching _______with _______ »___________________ »recruitment »selection l Because of the ______________, the same organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "Staffing involves: l Matching _______with _______ »___________________ »recruitment »selection l Because of the ______________, the same organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staffing involves: l Matching _______with _______ »___________________ »recruitment »selection l Because of the ______________, the same organizational plan could lead to _____________

2 l ______________ »placement »orientation, training »performance appraisal »continuing education l ______________ »_______________________ l ______________ »health, safety »__________________ »decision-making »__________________ »labor relations Managing involves:

3 The Employment Process: Staffing Inventory Needs Recruit Select

4 Recruitment l Internal l External

5 Selection l _______________ »skills »past experience »references l _______________ »skills »personality »attitude l ____________ “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin

6 The Employment Process: Managing Placement Orientation Training Developing

7 Placement l match people to task l establish a ______________

8 Development: Orientation l ____________ to the company l review of ______________ l review of benefits and services l benefit plan ___________ l complete employment documents l review employer __________ l set __________ expectations l introduce to fellow workers, facilities, job

9 Development: Training l respect workers as ________ l __________ can be efficient and help build _____________ l _____________ training »analysis and preparation »instruction »provide ____________

10 Development: Performance Appraisal l Why? Determine:

11 Development: Performance Appraisal l How? »________ scales »critical-incident appraisals »BARS = _________________________ »MBO = __________________ »always include _________________ –inform, 2-way communication –_______________ –set ________

12 Development l Promotions »increased responsibility and salary »could be _______________________ »i.e. recognize employee’s worth l Transfers »find a niche for a good employee

13 Development: Discipline l fair, clear, consistent, known l enforce promptly and fairly »“Hot stove” analogy: l action should match infraction 1.informal talk 2.________warning 3.________ warning 4.disciplinary _________ 5.____________ 6.____________

14 Development: Dismissal l action of last resort l include ____________ l discuss with other employees?

15 Supervision l Bridge between labor and management l Routine supervision l Decision-making/Problem- solving l Handling grievances l Staff conferences

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