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Hopkinton Cross Country Course Proposal. Competitors, Community, & Tradition.

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Presentation on theme: "Hopkinton Cross Country Course Proposal. Competitors, Community, & Tradition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hopkinton Cross Country Course Proposal

2 Competitors, Community, & Tradition

3 Hopkinton offers a unique position – It All Starts Here! Connects to Hopkinton’s ever-expanding trail system Useable by the entire community and regional runners for training and workouts on an unpaved surface in the New England outdoors Allows our Hopkinton High School and Hopkinton Middle School Cross- Country Teams to race on a true cross country course, with limited asphalt Creates the possibility to host league and regional competitions and will be usable for community competitions in summer and fall The course will be viewer friendly and creates a competitive advantage Why?

4 Elements of a Great XC Course 1. Little or no pavement (unless crossing it.) 2. Mix of grass, dirt, wood chips or sand, and forested trail 3. 800M to 1000M section that is removed from the view of spectators 4. Course should be made up of loops that come back to a central point to allow ease of coaching and spectator viewing 5. Course should have a mix of hills and turns that cause pace changes and necessitate strategic running (for example, running harder leading into a tight section to avoid a bottleneck.) 6. Open field of 250-300M that allows for a clean start 7. Course should allow for different distances to be raced from 2K to 10K while using the same start/finish

5 XC Course Layout Loop 1

6 XC Course Layout Loop 2

7 Site Plan Old Cart Path Wetlands

8 Implementation Plan & Timeline Trail Survey - Winter/Early Spring 2016 Engineering Plans - Spring 2016 ConCom and HALT Approval - Spring 2016 Construction (Clearing and Base Coat) - Summer/Fall 2016 Available for Training – Fall 2016 Construction (Final Surface) - Spring 2017 First Race - Summer 2017

9 Funding Start to Finish

10 School Committee Endorsement Request

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